<PB N="1">
<PB N="2">
<PB N="3">
These values should either (1) match what's actually printed on the page; or (2) be extrapolated from what's printed on other pages. E.g., in a run of pages numbered 1-2-3-( )-5-6, it is a good bet that the unnumbered page should be "4".
Actual printed numbers should be recorded as plain numbers ( N="3" ); extrapolated numbers should be placed in square brackets ( N="[4]" ). So the run of pages above should be recorded as:
<PB N="1">
<PB N="2">
<PB N="3">
<PB N="[4]">
<PB N="5">
<PB N="6">
Some of the files as you receive them will have "N" values with leading zeroes (<PB N="0042">). These can be removed globally inside A/E by using the FIND/REPLACE dialog box, clicking "options" and checking "Find Patterns", then replacing as follows:
FIND: <PB N="(R*)0+([1-9][0-9]*)">
REPLACE: <PB N="\1\2">
If you've already added square brackets to some pages, you'll have to run this replacement too:
FIND: <PB N="\[0+([1-9][0-9]*)\]">
REPLACE: <PB N="[\1]">
You can copy-and-paste these expressions directly from this message into the A/E search boxes. If you're interested in making sense of this kind of "regular expression" replacement, start with the A/E manual, pp. 179-184.
If roman numerals are printed on the page, then roman numerals should appear in the data (<PB N="lxi">). In the files as you receive them, these may appear as arabic numbers preceded by "R"; if so, they should be changed to match what's on the page, again placing extrapolated or supplied numbers in square brackets. If the file reads <PB N="R061">, change it to <PB N="LXI"> or <PB N="lxi"> (or <PB N="[LXI]"> or <PB N="[lxi]"> if the numbers are extrapolated). Don't worry too much about the case. Match what's printed if you're entering the numbers afresh, but if the numbers are correct except that they differ in case (e.g. upper case in the book but lower case in the file), leave them as they are. Do make sure that the case is consistent, however, not "i-ii-III-IV-v-vi-VII-viii-IX".
Don't try to record any italic or bold formatting of page numbers or any accompanying text or marks designed to set them off:
Page 4
pg 4 (in italics)
are all just <PB N="4">
pg. iv
are all just <PB N="iv">