(Either add
to head of file or precede filename on NSGMLS command line with "vendor.doctype.sgm" (omitting "-B" switch) if necessary to validate.)
This will:
redirect output to a file of the same name in Amverse/temp
(FYI this is an alias for either /l/m1 or /l/m2, whichever is current)
For example:
dlps4% search >> region TEIHEADER incl "1993biog" >> pr 29512409, ..<TEIHEADER> <FILEDESC> <TITLESTMT> <TITLE>Biography and poetical re mains of the late Margaret Miller Davidson / || by Washington Irving.</TITLE> <A UTHOR>Davidson, Margaret Miller, || 1823-1838.</AUTHOR> </TITLESTMT> <EXTENT>240 600dpi TIFF G4 page images</EXTENT> <PUBLICATIONSTMT> <PUBLISHER>University of Michigan Digital Library Production Services</PUBLISHER> <PUBPLACE>Ann Arbor, Mi chigan</PUBPLACE> <DATE>1998</DATE> <IDNO TYPE="notis">ARH0325</IDNO> <IDNO TYPE ="Rootid">mm000116/1993biog/v0000/i000</IDNO> <AVAILABILITY> <P>These pages may freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distr ibution in print or electronically. Please contact moa-info@umich.edu for more information.</P> </AVAILABILITY> </PUBLICATIONSTMT> <SOURCEDESC> <BIBL> <AUTHOR> Davidson, Margaret Miller, || 1823-1838.</AUTHOR> <TITLE>Biography and poetical remains of the late Margaret Miller Davidson / || by Washington Irving.</TITLE> <IMPRINT>New ed., rev.</IMPRINT> <IMPRINT>Philadelphia : || Lea and Blanchard, | | 1843.</IMPRINT> <EXTENT>248 p. ; || 18 cm.</EXTENT> <NOTE>Bound with Davidson, Lucretia Maria. Poetical remains. 1843.</NOTE> <NOTE>Irving, Washington, || 178 3-1859.</NOTE> </BIBL> </SOURCEDESC> </FILEDESC> <PROFILEDESC> <TEXTCLASS> <KEYW ORDS> <TERM>Davidson, Margaret Miller, || 1823-1838.</TERM> </KEYWORDS> </TEXTCL ASS> </PROFILEDESC> </TEIHEADER> .. >> >> quit
for example:
dlps4% cd /l3/obj/a/j/e/aje3060.0001.001/ dlps4% ls aje3060.0001.001.hdr aje3060.0001.001.raw aje3060.0001.001.txt dlps4% cat aje3060.0001.001.hdr
<EDITORIALDECL N="4"> <P>This electronic text file was created by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) from 1-bit 600-dpi Group-4 TIFF page images, proof-read once, encoded in SGML according to the University of Michigan DLPS "vendor" dtd, converted to TEI-compliant SGML encoding using the TEI-lite dtd, and reviewed for correctness and consistency with the AmVerse Project Style Guide. No editing has been done to the content of the original document, except as described below. Encoding complies with the recommendations for Level 4 of the "TEI in Libraries Guidelines." Digital page images are linked to the text file.</P> </EDITORIALDECL> </ENCODINGDESC>
Only error should be lack of TYPE attribute on the DIVs and LGs (set valcat to point to teilite.implied.dtd in order to eliminate error messages from missing TYPEs).
Also check that <PUBLISHER> precedes <PUBPLACE> in <PUBLICATIONSTMT>
<HEADER> may need to be changed to <TEIHEADER>
SAMPLE PAGES FOR PROOFING (using page numbers as printed in book) Text=BenjaInfat --------------- 1 15