Keeping Track
Status Reports
Message Bulletin Board
Progress report, 25 April 96
Presented for course credit to ILS637
Standalone DTD and related documents
TEI-conformant DTD fragments
Documentation of process of inserting
CodeBook dtd into TEI.
Alterations necessary to
bring TEI header into conformance with codebook header.
The following TEI files show changes as a result of inserting Codebook
- The main TEI dtd file, tei2.dtd
- The TEI generic entity conversion file,
teigiscb.ent, a modification of the original TEI
version of the same, teigis2.ent.
- The new TEI-compliant base tag set file
for CodeBooks, teicb1.dtd.
- An existing base tag set for comparison,
along with its companion entity file.
- Two files containing modifications to the TEI header, namely an
entities file, cbheader.ent, to alter or delete existing TEI
entity declarations and a dtd file, cbheader.dtd,
containing new declarations.
Additional User Documentation
DDI Code Book Project
TEI-related resources
Paul Schaffner :: Last revised 12 July 1996