| ID no. | Title |
1 | AAN2938 | "Speech of Hon. C. C. Clay, jr., on slavery issues, || delivered at Huntsville, Alabama, September 5th, 1859." |
2 | AAN7212 | Slavery and the war: || a historical essay. || By Rev. Henry Darling. |
3 | AAT1148 | Sermons on slavery & the civil war. |
4 | AAT1852 | The powers of the federal government over slavery! || By Andrew J. Wilcox. |
5 | AAW0177 | "South and North; || or, Impressions received during a trip to Cuba and the South. || By John S.C. Abbott." |
6 | ABJ1196 | A northern presbyter's second letter to ministers of the gospel of all denominations on slavery. || By Nathan Lord. |
7 | ABJ1199 | "Leaven for doughfaces; || or, Threescore and ten parables touching slavery. || By a former resident of the South." |
8 | ABJ1201 | "The discussion between Rev. Joel Parker, and Rev. A. Rood, on the question ""What are the evils inseparable from slavery,"" || which was referred to by Mrs. Stowe, in ""Uncle Tom's cabin."" || Reprinted from the Philadelphia Christian observer of 1846." |
9 | ABJ1203 | Slavery ordained of God ... || By Rev. Fred. A. Ross. |
10 | ABJ1320 | Compendium of the impending crisis of the South. || By Hinton Rowan Helper. |
11 | ABJ1326 | "The higher law, in its relations to civil government: || with particular reference to slavery, and the fugitive slave law. || By William Hosmer." |
12 | ABJ1605 | "Christianity and emancipation; || or, The teachings and the influence of the Bible against slavery." |
13 | ABJ1609 | Relation of the American board of commissioners for foreign missions to slavery. || By Charles K. Whipple. |
14 | ABJ1615 | "The new commandment: || a discourse delivered in the North church, Salem, on Sunday, June 4, 1854. || by O. B. Frothingham." |
15 | ABJ1692 | "Modern reform examined; || or, The union of North and South on the subject of slavery. || By Joseph C. Stiles." |
16 | ABJ4860 | "Letter to the Hon. Wm. C. Rives of Virgina, on slavery and the union." |
17 | ABJ4913 | "The fire and hammer of God's word against the sin of slavery. || Speech of George B. Cheever, D.D., at the anniversary of the American abolition society, May, 1858." |
18 | ABJ4987 | "Address, on the duty of the slave states in the present crisis, || delivered in Galveston, Dec. 12th, 1860, by Rev. J.E. Carnes, by special invitation of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence, and many of the oldest citizens." |
19 | ABJ5165 | "Negro slavery unjustifiable. || A discourse || by the late Rev. Alexander McLeod, 1802." |
20 | ABJ5169 | "The olive branch; || or, The evil and the remedy. || By Charles Miner." |
21 | ABJ5179 | The rightful remedy. || Addressed to the slaveholders of the South. By Edward B. Bryan. Pub. for the Southern Rights Association. |
22 | ABT3997 | Letter of Commodore Stockton on the slavery question. |
23 | ABT5714 | "The position and course of the South. || By Wm. H. Trescot, esq." |
24 | ABT5737 | Review of Webster's speech on slavery. || By Wendell Phillips. |
25 | ABT5872 | "A political text-book for 1860: || comprising a brief view of presidential nominations and elections including all the national platforms ever yet adopted: also a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands, with the most notable speeches and letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckinridge, H. V. Johnson, etc ., etc., touching the questions of the day; and returns of all presidential elections since 1836. || Compiled by Horace Greeley and John F. Cleveland." |
26 | ABT6315 | "A letter to Viscount Palmerston, K.C., prime minister of England, on American slavery. || By Henry Wikoff." |
27 | ABT6364 | "[Political speeches, partly in the House and Senate, dealing mainly with Kansas and slavery.]" |
28 | ABT6481 | "The great future of America and Africa; || an essay showing our whole duty to the black man, consistent with our own safety and glory. || By Jacob Dewees, M. D." |
29 | ABT6602a | "Sinfulness of American slavery: || proved from its evil sources; its injustice; its wrongs; its contrariety to many Scriptural commands, prohibitions, and principles, and to the Christian spirit; and from its evil effects; together with observations on emancipation, and the duties of American citizens in regard to slavery. || By Rev. Charles Elliott, D.D. Ed. by Rev. B. F. Tefft. || Volume 1" |
30 | ABT6602b | "Sinfulness of American slavery: || proved from its evil sources; its injustice; its wrongs; its contrariety to many Scriptural commands, prohibitions, and principles, and to the Christian spirit; and from its evil effects; together with observations on emancipation, and the duties of American citizens in regard to slavery. || By Rev. Charles Elliott, D.D. Ed. by Rev. B. F. Tefft. || Volume 2" |
31 | ABT6810 | "Studies on slavery, || in easy lessons. Comp. into eight studies, and subdivided into short lessons for the convenience of reader. || By John Fletcher." |
32 | ABT7160 | "Ought American slavery to be perpetuated?, || A debate between Rev. W. G. Brownlow and Rev. A. Pryne. Held at Philadelphia, September, 1858." |
33 | ABT7217 | Liberty or slavery; the great national question. || Three prize essays on American slavery ... |
34 | ABT7224 | The impending crisis of the South: || how to meet it. || By Hinton Rowan Helper. |
35 | ABT7240 | "Despotism in America: || an inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slave-holding system in the United States. || By Richard Hildreth." |
36 | ABT7247 | "Slavery: letters and speeches, || by Horace Mann." |
37 | ABT7252 | The doom of slavery in the Union: || its safety out of it. |
38 | ABT7253 | "A scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historical view of slavery, from the days of the patriarch Abraham, to the nineteenth century. || Addressed to the Right Rev. Alonzo Potter ... || By John Henry Hopkins." |
39 | ABT7278 | "Abolitionism unveiled; || or, Its origin, progress, & pernicious tendency fully developed. || By Henry Field James." |
40 | ABT7336 | "Slavery in the United States: || its evils, alleviations, and remedies. || Reprinted from the North American review, Oct. 1851." |
41 | ABT7431 | "Slavery and the remedy; || or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code. || By Samuel Nott." |
42 | ABT7482 | Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes of the South. || By Edward A. Pollard. |
43 | ABT7488 | "The pro-slavery argument; || as maintained by the most distinguished writers of the Southern states, || containing the several essays, on the subject, of Chancellor Harper, Governor Hammond, Dr. Simms, and Professor Dew." |
44 | ABT7576 | "Essay on slavery; || as connected with the moral and providential government of God; and as an element of church organization. With miscellaneous reflections on the subject of slavery, || by Thomas J. Taylor." |
45 | ABT7613 | Slavery among the Puritans. || A letter to the Rev. Moses Stuart. |
46 | ABT7853 | Conscience and the Constitution || with remarks on the recent speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the subject of slavery. || By M. Stuart. |
47 | ABT7858 | "A review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphlet on slavery, || entitled Conscience and the Constitution, || by Rufus W. Clark." |
48 | ABT8113 | The church and slavery. || By Albert Barnes. |
49 | ABT8612 | Letters on slavery from the Old world: || written during the canvass for the presidency of the United States in 1860. To which are added a letter to Lord Brougham on the John Brown raid; and a brief reference to the result of the presidential contest and its consequences. || By James Williams. |
50 | ABT8678 | "The Fugitive slave bill; || or, God's laws paramount to the laws of men. A sermon, preached on Sunday, October 20, 1850." |
51 | ABT9406 | "God against slavery: || and the freedom and duty of the pulpit to rebuke it, as a sin against God. || By George B. Cheever, D. D." |
52 | ABT9431 | "Cotton is king; || or, The culture of cotton, and its relation to agriculture, manufactures and commerce; to the free colored people; and to those who hold that slavery is in itself sinful; || by an American." |
53 | ABT9569 | A Scriptural examination of the institution of slavery in the United States; || with its objects and purposes. || By Howell Cobb. |
54 | ABY0174 | "Southern slavery reduces northern wages. || An address || by George M. Weston, of Maine, delivered in Washington, D. C., March 25, 1856." |
55 | ABZ3621 | "National sermons. || Sermons, speeches and letters on slavery and its war: from the passage of the Fugitive slave bill to the election of President Grant. || By Gilbert Haven." |
56 | ACK9305 | The golden hour. || By Moncure D. Conway. |
57 | ACP2979 | "Rights and duties of the United States relative to slavery under the laws of war. || No military power to return any slave. ""Contraband of war"" inapplicable between the United States and their insurgent enemies. || By Daivd Lee Child. <Republished, with notes, from ""The Liberator."">" |
58 | ADG9212 | "The Christian martyrs; || or, The conditions of obedience to the civil government: || a discourse by J. G. Forman, minister of the Second Congregational church in Nantucket; until recently minister of the First church and congregation in West Brigewater, Mass. To which is added, a friendly letter to said church and congregation on the pro-slavery influences that occasioned his removal." |
59 | ADS6698 | "Our danger & duty. || A discourse, delivered in the Glebe-street Presbyterian church, on Friday, December 7th, 1850. || By the Rev. A. A. Porter. Pub. by request." |
60 | AEV3891 | Is slavery sanctioned by the Bible? || A premium tract. || By Isaac Allen. |
61 | AEW4755 | A remedy for the defects of the Constitution. || By Andrew J. Wilcox. |
62 | AHL6603 | Teachings of the New Testament on slavery. || By Joseph P. Thompson ... |
63 | AJC7291 | "Love of country: || a discourse, delivered on Thanksgiving Day, December 12th, 1850, in the Bleecker Street Church." |