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Wayne Allard R CO04 422 CHOB 225-4676 Robert E. Andrews D NJ01 2439 RHOB 225-6501 Bill Archer R TX07 1236 LHOB 225-2571 Richard K. Armey R TX26 301 CHOB 225-7772or an email directory confined to addresses through the House e-mail system, each entry of which looks like this:
Hon. Robert Andrews 1st Congressional District, New Jersey Rm. 2439 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RANDREWS@HR.HOUSE.GOV
COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (202) 225-2171 1301 Longworth COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS (202) 225-2771 H218 CapitolNeeds to be combined with other House Committee Information via gopher and world wide web. The information under each committee (and it is not comprehensive) varies, and is the responsibility of each committee to choose and provide.