Candidates and Other Raw Materials
"A voter without a ballot is like a soldier without a bullet."--Dwight D. Eisenhower
A government is only as good as its elected officials, and the voters who elect them. These governmental and non-governmental sites give information on candidates, current office-holders, political parties, and other campaign-related issues.
- Presidential Candidates' Home Pages
- Political Parties
- Congress
- Campaign Funding
- General Sources
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Presidential Candidates' Home Pages
These are the candidates running as of April 15, 1996 with official home pages.
- Bill Clinton
- The Democrat incumbent
- Bob Dole
- Republican candidate
- Pat Buchanan
- Republican candidate
- Alan Keyes
- Republican candidate
- Harry Browne
- Libertarian candidate
- Rick Tompkins
- Libertarian candidate
- John Hagelin
- Natural Law Party Candidate
Political Parties
Political parties with home pages on the Web.
- Democratic National Committee
- Republican National Committee
- Libertarian Party Headquarters
- Socialist Party USA Cybercenter
- Communist Party USA
- Reform Party
- Natural Law Party
Who represents you in the House and Senate, how they stack up and how to get in contact with them.
- House of Representatives Home Page
- This page provides names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses for representatives, and lists which committees they serve on and what legislation they have sponsored and/or co-sponsored. A gopher site is also available.
- Senate Home Page
- The Senate's home page provides the same information about senators that the House's home page provides about representatives. A gopher site is also available.
- CapWeb: A Guide to the U.S. Congress
- This site covers both the House and Senate, plus certain congressional offices and agencies. Senator and representative listings are searchable by zip code. Also has useful information on bills, voting, the executive and judicial branches, and Capitol Hill.
- The Capital Source
- Part of Politics USA, The Capital Source is a searchable and browsable database of everybody who's anybody in the Beltway, including federal officials, agencies and special interest groups.
- On The Job
- A database of members of Congress, searchable by last name, state, or zip code. Provides biographical sketches, bills sponsored, votes taken, and speeches made. This database is part of Congressional Quarterly's American Voter '96 web site.
- Rate Your Rep
- Also part of the American Voter '96 web site, this interactive quiz lets you compare your opinion on key issues to the congressperson of your choice. You can choose the congressperson by searching on his/her last name, zip code or state.
- Congressional Record Online via GPO Access
- So what did your congressperson have to say about the Motor Voter bill? You can find out here by using this searchable database. The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings of both houses of Congress, and includes texts of speeches, bill texts, and floor votes. (A thorough description of GPO Access can be found here.
Campaign Funding
Where the candidates' money comes from, where it goes, and how to contribute to the campaign of your choice.
- The Coin-Operated Congress by Mother Jones
- A set of searchable databases about congressional funding, including PAC contributions to congressional candidates, and
- Guide to Supporting Federal Candidates
- From Politics USA, the Federal Election Commission primer for contributing to federal political campaigns.
- Financial Information about Candidates, Parties and PACs
- Charts, graphs, and statistics from the Federal Election Commission on who's running for
federal office, how much money they're getting and from where.
General and Miscellaneous Sources
These sources either cover Campaign '96 in general or don't fall into any of the above categories.
- Voter Registration Locations
- From MTV's Rock the Vote, instructions on how to register in all 50 states to vote.
- Understanding the Electoral College
- An explanation of the whys and hows of the Electoral College by the FEC.
- Vote Smart: Campaign '96
- All kinds of information on the '96 presidential campaign--candidates, primary and caucus results, important dates, conventions, campaign finance data.
- Political Science Resources on the Web: U-M Documents Center
- A huge index of political science websites covering elections, government, political parties, statistics and news sources.