William N. Atkinson
Learning Resources Center:

The Library

Jackson Community College

User's Guide




The LRC owns a number of indexes and databases on CD-ROM, all of which may be consulted on the library's workstations. Click on the name of an index or database in the following summary table to obtain more information about using it.

C="Contains bibliographic citations"
A="Contains abstracts (summaries) of articles"
F="Contains full text of articles"

InfoTracGeneral newsPast 3 yrs.Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, (owned by LRC) and Washington Post, Los Angeles Times (Not owned by LRC) YNN
ComputerSelectComputingPast year92 computer-related magazines in full text; 23 magazines in abstract form. YYY
CINAHLNursing and allied health fields1982-1996Numerous nursing-related journals and other literature. YYN
NewsBankNewsworthy subjects, mostly social and political, some technological, etc.1980-1997Clippings from over 150 smaller U.S. newspapers, articles available in the LRC on NewsBank microfiche. YNY
MedLineMedicine1994-1997Medical journals.YYN
ERICEducation-related studies and fields1976-1997Articles from education-related journals and general-interest magazines (some available in the LRC, others by interloan). And educational research reports and studies (available by interloan).YYN
Wilson General Science IndexScience, environment, and nutrition1984-1997Articles from both professional journals and general-interest magazinesYNN
Tax Forms on CD1995-1996Complete set of printable Federal income tax forms and schedules.


Don't forget ROSEBUD
The on-line catalog to the books, videotapes, CDs, and audiotapes owned by the LRC as well as by all branches of the Jackson District Library.

The Internet.
The library currently maintains three public internet terminals. All are loaded with Netscape 2.x or 3.x, all connect to the 'net via the campus network and JCC's T1 line to the Merit backbone, and all allow users to print directly from the web directly to a networked laser printer.


For many purposes, the old fashioned index is still the best bet. The following are some of the most used and useful indexes that the library owns:

TitleSubject coveredYearsMaterials indexedCall #
Reader's Guide to Periodical LiteratureGeneral interest1922-1996Articles in about 250 general-interest English-language magazinesAI 3.R48
Education IndexEducation1947-1997English-language periodicals and booksZ 5813.E23
Abridged Index MedicusMedicine1984-1996Articles from 121 English-language journals, designed for the individual doctor or small hospitalZ 6660.I43
Business Periodicals IndexBusiness, industry, finance, marketing, etc.1958-1997Articles from many English-language periodicalsZ 7164.C81 B983
Criminal Justice Periodical IndexCorrections, criminal law, drug abuse, policing, security, etc.1976-1996Articles from over 100 U.S., British, and Canadian journalsHV 6001.C68
Psychological AbstractsHuman & animal psychology; experimental & developmental psych.; social & family issues; counseling, rehabilitation, education, personnel management, human-factors engineering, etc.1977-1997Journal-articles, books, and book-chapters, each given a full abstractBF 1.P75
Social Sciences IndexAnthropology, community health, economics, geography, law, political science, psychology, administration, sociology, social work, etc.1974-1996Articles from English-language periodicalsAI 3.S6
Detroit News IndexNews1978-1997The Detroit NewsAN2.M5 D45
Christian Science Monitor IndexNews1979-1997The Christian Science MonitorAI 21.C46
New York Times IndexAll the news fit to print1851-1991The New York TimesAI 21.N44
National Geographic IndexNational Geographic Magazine
Books in PrintAnything that people write books about1996-97Most U.S.-published books in print, indexed by subject, author, and titleZ 1215.S915

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HTML version created 18 March 1997.
Text of original print version copyright © Jackson Community College. Additional material and HTML rendition copyright © 1997 Paul F. Schaffner