ID # AHA2738 SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AD TITLE: The English Register of Godstow Nunnery, near Oxford (parts 1-2) ED. Andrew Clark SERIES: Early English Text Society 129-130 (1905, 1906) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: Title page to part 1 (recto; verso is blank) = p. [i] Title page to part 2 (recto; verso is blank) = p. [iii] Text = pp. [1]-384 (part 1) and pp. 385-683 (part 2). Structure This text consists of a two top-level divisions: The first <DIV1> is the "Prefixed Liturgical Pieces" pp. [1]-24. The second <DIV1> is the "English Register of Godstow," pp. 25-384. The first <DIV1> of prefixed pieces can be subdivided into three <DIV2>s: (pp.[1]-3) <DIV2><HEAD>ARTICLES OF EXCOMMUNICATION</HEAD> (pp.4-12) <DIV2><HEAD>DEVOTIONAL PIECES</HEAD> (pp.12-24) <DIV2><HEAD>[Kalendar: (i) lunar, (ii) dominical, (iii) Roman, (iv) church.]</HEAD> Of these, the first <DIV2> (Articles of Excommunication) can be subdivided into two <DIV3>s: (pp. [1]-3) <DIV3><HEAD>[Causes of Excommunication]</HEAD> (p. 3) <DIV3><HEAD>[Formula of Excommunication]</HEAD> <HEAD>Excommunicacio.</HEAD> The second <DIV2> (Devotional pieces) can be subdivided into two <DIV3>s: (p.4) <DIV3><HEAD>[Invocation to the Cross.]</HEAD> (p.4) <DIV3><HEAD>[Metrical versions of some General Acts of Devotion.]</HEAD> [This second <DIV3> can be subdivided by stanzas (<LG>s), the bold lines between the stanzas treated as headings (<HEAD>s>.] The third <DIV2> (Kalendar) can be subdivided by the month into twelve <DIV3>s: (p.13) <DIV3 TYPE="month"><HEAD>Ianuarius.</HEAD> (p.14) <DIV3 TYPE="month"><HEAD>Februarius.</HEAD> (p.15) <DIV3 TYPE="month"><HEAD>Marcius.</HEAD> [etc.] Each of these monthly <DIV3>s is impossible to encode aptly, since it is both a poem (with stanzas and lines) and a calendrical table (with rows and columns). Ignore the fact that it is a poem, and treat each <DIV3> as a set of tables. Each table begins with a <HEAD> consisting of the stanza number, followed by some (usualy seven) rows. Each row contains four cells, creating a table of four columns. Record the line number as the value of the "N" attribute of the <ROW> element. The first cell contains the item from the first column of roman numerals (if any). The second cell contains the letter (A-g) The third cell contains the Roman date, consisting of a roman numeral followed by N<SUP>s</SUP> or by Id<SUP>s</SUP> or by Kl<SUP>s</SUP>; or of the single words "Nonas." or "Idus". or "KL". Where the printed version uses a brace (curly bracket) to associate "IDs" or "Ns" or "Kls" with more than row, enter the word in *every* row with which it is associated. If a cell is empty, create an empty <CELL></CELL> element. The numbered items in the margin (e.g. "21. Agnes, V. et M.") in smaller type, are supplied by the editor and should be treated as apparatus, i.e. tagged as <NOTE>s, with the <NOTE> element placed at the end of the last cell in the row. For example, the beginning of this calendar looks roughly like this on the page: Ianuarius. (1) iij A KL O Ihesu lorde! for þi Circumsicyon, 253 1. Circumcisio Domini b iiij Ns In þe begynnyng as of þe new &yogh;ere, xi c iij N Kepe me euer from al confusyon. d ij Ns When þat I shal stonde at myne answere, xix e Nonas Lorde graunt me grace we for to apere; 257 viij f viij Ids And for þi worshipful Epyphanye, 6. Epiphania Domini. g vij Ids Graunt þou me good lyfe, and wel for to dye. 259 (2) xvj A vj Ids Now pray for me, blessid Seynt lucyan, 260 8. Lucianus, Presb. v b v Ids That I myght be hadde forth vnto &yogh;oure daunce, Tag this as follows (I've added some extra blanks below to make the tagging clearer.) <DIV3 TYPE="month"><HEAD>Ianuarius.</HEAD> <TABLE> <HEAD>(1)</HEAD> <ROW N="253"> <CELL>iij</CELL> <CELL>A</CELL> <CELL>KL </CELL> <CELL>O Ihesu lorde! for þi <B>Circumsicyon</B>,<NOTE PLACE="marg">1. Circumcisio Domini</NOTE></CELL></ROW> <ROW> <CELL> </CELL> <CELL>b</CELL> <CELL>iiij N<SUP>s</SUP> </CELL> <CELL>In þe begynnyng as of þe new &yogh;ere,</CELL></ROW> <ROW> <CELL>xi </CELL> <CELL>c</CELL> <CELL> iij N </CELL> <CELL>Kepe me euer from al confusyon.</CELL></ROW> <ROW> <CELL> </CELL> <CELL>d</CELL> <CELL>ij N<SUP>s</SUP> </CELL> <CELL>When þat I shal stonde at myne answere,</CELL></ROW> <ROW N="257"> <CELL>xix</CELL> <CELL>e</CELL> <CELL>Nonas </CELL> <CELL>Lorde graunt me grace we for to apere;</CELL></ROW> <ROW> <CELL>viij</CELL><CELL>f</CELL> <CELL>viij Id<SUP>s</SUP></CELL> <CELL>And for þi worshipful <B>Epyphanye</B>,<NOTE PLACE="marg">6. Epiphania Domini.</NOTE></CELL></ROW> <ROW N="259"> <CELL> </CELL> <CELL>g</CELL> <CELL>vij Id<SUP>s</SUP> </CELL> <CELL>Graunt þou me good lyfe, and wel for to dye.</CELL></ROW> </TABLE> <TABLE> <HEAD>(2)</HEAD> <ROW N="260"> <CELL>xvj</CELL> <CELL>A</CELL> <CELL>vj Id<SUP>s</SUP> </CELL> <CELL>Now pray for me, blessid <B>Seynt lucyan</B>,<NOTE PLACE="marg">8. Lucianus, Presb.</NOTE></CELL></ROW> <ROW> <CELL>v </CELL> <CELL>b</CELL> <CELL>v Id<SUP>s</SUP> </CELL> <CELL>That I myght be hadde forth vnto &yogh;oure daunce,</CELL></ROW> [etc.] The second <DIV2> (The English Register of Godstow, pp. 25ff., the bulk of the book) should be broken down into four <DIV3>s and a number of subdivisions as follows: <DIV3> [Introductory part] = pp. 25-32 <DIV3> The Godstow Estates = pp. 33-639 <DIV3> [Supplementary Deeds] = pp. 640-643 <DIV3> General Charters = pp. 644-683 The subdivisions can be illustrated by the following partial summary, which can serve as a model for subdividing other portions of the book: <DIV3> [Introductory part] = pp. 25-32 <DIV4 N="1"> The prologe of the Englyssh register. = pp.25-6 <DIV4 N="2"> The cronicle Of the hows ... = pp.26-7 <DIV4 N="3"> The chartur of syr John = p.27 <DIV4 N="4"> The dedycacion ... = pp.28-30 <DIV4 N="5"> A graunt I-made ... = pp.30-31 <DIV4 N="6"> Presentation by Godstow ... = pp.31-32 <DIV3> The Godstow Estates = pp.33-384 <DIV4> BERKSHIRE = pp.22-62 <DIV5> Blewberry = pp.33-34 <DIV6 N="7"> A Charter of Iohane... = p.33 <DIV6 N="8"> A charter of huge Abbot of ... = p.34 <DIV5> Duxford on the Thames = pp.34-38 <DIV6 N="9"> A charter of henry of seynt ... = pp.34-35 <DIV6 N="10"> A Charter of the abbesse ... = p.35 <DIV6 N="11"> A-nother of the same abbesse ... = pp.35-6 <DIV6 N="12"> A Charter of the Abbesse ... = p.36 <DIV6 N="13"> A couenaunte bitwene dame ... = pp.36-37 <DIV6 N="14"> A lettre of attorney ... = p.37 <DIV6 N="15"> A Charter of Iohn at the Grove ...= pp.37-38 <DIV5> Knighton in Compton Beauchamp = pp.38-40 <DIV6 N="16"> A Charter of Wyde of Seynt ... = p.39 <DIV6 N="17"> A chartur of wydo of seynt ... = p.39 <DIV6 N="18"> A chartur I-made by Reynolde ... = p.39 <DIV5> Langford = p.40 (empty) <DIV5> North Moreton = pp.40-42 <DIV6 N="19"> Charter of Osbert Turpin ... = p.40 <DIV6 N="20"> Charter of Henry Basset ... = pp.40-1 <DIV6 N="21"> Charter of William son of ... = p.41 <DIV6 N="22"> Charter of Ioan of Blebiri ... = p.41 <DIV6 N="23"> A Charter of Milo Basset ... = p.42 <DIV6 N="24"> Charter of Ioan of Turevile ... = p.42 <DIV5> Seacourt or Seckworth = pp.42-44 <DIV6 N="25"> A chartur of William ... = p.43 <DIV6 N="26"> A chartur of Robert ... = p.44 <DIV6 N="27"> Grant by William, lord of ... = p.44 <DIV5> Wytham. = pp.44-62 <DIV6 N="1"> [Charters about Godstow conduit.] = pp.44-46 <DIV7 N="28"> A chartur I-made to the couent = pp.44-45 <DIV7 N="29"> a chartur of Robert ... = p.45 <DIV7 N="30"> a chartur of Robert Newman ... = p.45 <DIV6 N="2"> [Dispute about tithe at Wytham.] = pp.46-48 <DIV7 N="31"> A chartur I-made by dyuers ... = pp.46-48 <DIV6 N="3"> [Early charters about lands ...] = pp.48-49 <DIV7 N="32"> A chartur of vincent ... = p.49 <DIV7 N="33"> A chartur of Roger abbot ... = p.49 <DIV6 N="4"> [Later charters about lands ...] = pp.49-62 <DIV7 N="34"> A Chartere of Richard ... = pp.49-50 <DIV7 N="35"> A Chartere of Thomas Pocokes = pp.50-51 [etc.] <DIV4> BUCKINGHAMSHIRE = pp.63-121 <DIV5> Boarstall = p.63 empty <DIV5> Dinton = pp.63-66 <DIV6 N="50"> Chartur of Ali&yogh; = p.63 <DIV6 N="51"> Chartur of Anneis = pp.63-4 <DIV6 N="52"> A Chartur of agnes = p.64 <DIV6 N="53"> An oþer chartur = pp.64-5 <DIV6 N="54"> the institucion of doninton = p.65 <DIV6 N="55"> Chartur of Raph = p.65 <DIV6 N="56"> Chartur bitwene hugh = pp.65-6 <DIV5> Ford, in Dinton parish = pp.67-72 <DIV6 N="1"> [Deeds about land] = pp.67-68 <DIV7 N="57"> Chartur of philip fit&yogh; = p.67 <DIV7 N="58"> A quiete-claime of henri = pp.67-8 <DIV7 N="59"> A quiete-claime of william = p.68 <DIV6 N="2"> [Deeds about the chapel of Ford] = pp.68-72 <DIV7 N="60"> Courte franciplege ... = pp.68-69 <DIV7 N="61"> An eschete ageinist ... = pp.69-70 [etc.] <DIV4> OXFORD CITY DEEDS = pp.365-531 [etc.] <DIV5> St. Giles Parish = pp.422-470 <DIV6 N="1"> [1. Deeds relating to the Church.] = pp.422-23 <DIV7 N="570"> Another Charter for the tythis = pp.422-23 <DIV7 N="571"> confirmacion of kynge henry = p.423 <DIV6 N="2"> [2. Remainder of Luke of Wytham..] = pp.423-24 <DIV7 N="572"> A Covenaunte bitwene William = pp.423-24 <DIV7 N="573"> A Charter of William Nygelle = p.424 <DIV6 N="3". [3. Lands acquired by Robert...] = pp.424-29 <DIV7 N="574"> A Charter of Walter ... = pp.424-25 <DIV7 N="575"> A Charter of Walter ... = p.425 [etc.] <DIV2> GENERAL CHARTERS = pp.644-683 <DIV3 N="1"> [1. By the bishop of Lincoln] = pp. 644-650 <DIV4 N="866"> A pryuylege I-grauntid ... = pp.644-45 <DIV4 N="867"> A chartur of fredame I-grauntyd ... = p.645 <DIV4 N="868"> A confirmacion of watur bysshop ... = pp.645-46 [etc.] Milestones Folio references are recorded in the margin, preceded by an asterisk, in a variety of forms. The simplest look like this: *leaf 152 *leaf 152, back Record as: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="152"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="152b"> Many look like this, using two different foliations. *leaf XL or 50. *leaf XXXIX or 49, back. Include both numbers, putting the arabic numeral in parentheses, like this: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="XL(50)"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="XXXIXb(49b)" Some specify a particular manuscript. Use the REND attribute to capture that information, with hyphens substituted for any spaces in the original (shorten the name if necessary). *Exchequer MS. leaf 64 *Rawl. MS. leaf 171 <MILESTONE REND="Exchequer-MS." UNIT="folio" N="64"> <MILESTONE REND="Rawl.-MS." UNIT="folio" N="171"> Some specify a folio range: *Exchequer MS. leaf 64 and 64, back. <MILESTONE REND="Echequer-MS." UNIT="folio" N="64-64b"> Place the <MILESTONE> tag within the text at the spot marked by the corresponding asterisk, and drop the asterisk from the text, regardless of whether the asterisk appears within the body of the text or within a heading. [76.] *A quiet clayme record as: <HEAD>[76.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="VIIb(19b)"> A quiet clayme</HEAD> Notes Editorial notes appear at the bottom of the page, keyed to the text with superscripted footnote numbers. Omit the superscripted numbers and embed the notes at the appropriate place in the text: uppon ryngeshull<NOTE PLACE="foot">This, by the map, ought to be <I>Kyngeshull</I>.</NOTE> Characters This edition uses many odd characters; including "g" and "d" with a final tick; "h" with a horizontal bar crossing the upright; single "l" and double "ll" with a curling horizontal line crossing the upright(s); and "n" "m" "s" and "r" with a final stroke that curves up and back over the letter. Treat these as simplex letters: record them simply as "g" "d" "h" "l" "ll" "n" "m" "s" and "r" respectively. "mark" with a curl descending from the lower-right stroke of the final "k" should be rendered simply as "mark" Dates are sometimes printed with the final digit in the form of a fraction: 122¾. Record this with a slash character: 1223/4 Special instructions for this book. *Include* the modern English summaries printed in the margins (despite the fact that these are normally excluded from keying); tag them as <ARGUMENT> and place the <ARGUMENT> tag directly after the <HEAD> at the head of the item. Many, but not all, of the arguments will begin with a date. Material in square brackets in the margins is not part of the argument and should be omitted.