ID # AHB1378 SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AJ TITLE: The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester (2 vols.) ED. William Aldis Wright PUBLISHED: Rolls Series (1887) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page to vol. 1 (recto only; verso blank) 2. Title page to vol. 2 (recto only; verso blank) 3. Main text (pp. 1-776) 4. Appendix (pp. 779-877) 5. Corrections (pp. [1011]-1017) Structure This item consists of a small amount of <FRONT> matter (the title pages), followed by the <BODY> of the text (main text and appendix), followed by a small amount of <BACK> matter (the corrections). <DIV1>s The <BODY> contains two top-level <DIV1>s, corresponding to the main text and the appendix respectively. <DIV2>s The first <DIV1> (main text) is not subdivided. Ignore the heading "THE CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER." on page [495]: this merely restarts the text at the volume break. The second <DIV1) (appendix) is subdivided into the separate appendices: <DIV1><HEAD>APPENDIX. <NOTE PLACE="head">In this Appendix with few exceptions the text is that of α, the various readings of the other MSS. being quoted below.</NOTE></HEAD> <DIV2 TYPE="appendix" N="A"> <HEAD>A (page 11, line 15) <NOTE PLACE="head">In αβγ the three wonders of England are arranged in the following order:--</NOTE></HEAD> <L>Þreo wondres buþ in engelond · þ on lo is þis <NOTE PLACE="marg">De tribus mirabi|libus.</NOTE></L> <L>Op on þe hul of þe pek · for þe wynd þer ywis</L> [etc., and similarly for the other appendices, B-XX:] <DIV2 TYPE="appendix" N="B"> <DIV2 TYPE="appendix" N="C"> <DIV2 TYPE="appendix" N="D"> [etc.] Smaller divisions There are italic words and phrases set between the lines as if they were headings; they look like headings, but treat them instead as <NOTE PLACE="inter"> and attach them to the end of the preceding line. E.g., p. 26: <L> ... he to londe com ·<NOTE PLACE="inter"><I>Brutus</I></NOTE></L> <L N="360">Vor to porchassi hom mete ... </L> This book (both the main text and the text in the appendices) is in verse; the basic unit should be the verse line <L>. Milestones 1. Folio references appear in the margins preceded by the abbreviation "fol." They look like this: fol. 102 fol. 102b fol. 103 fol. 103b Record as: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="102a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="102b"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="103a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="103b"> Place the <MILESTONE> tag within the text at the end of the line next to which the reference appears. 2. A second set of milestones appears as a series of numbers in square brackets, in the margins. These are references to the pages of Hearne's edition and look like this: [334] [335] [336] Record as: <MILESTONE UNIT="page" REND="Hearne" N="334"> <MILESTONE UNIT="page" REND="Hearne" N="335"> <MILESTONE UNIT="page" REND="Hearne" N="336"> 3. Neither of these should be confused with the line numbers, which appear at the edge of the text (not quite into the margin). Notes Aside from headnotes in the appendix, there are three sets of notes in the book: 1. Set 1 is the set of italic interlinear pseudo-headings that are described above under "smaller divisions," usually containing the names of kings ("Locrinus rex" "Imperator Nero" "Aruiragus rex" etc.). Treat these as <NOTE PLACE="inter"> 2. Set 2 appears in the margin and consists of words or brief phrases in Latin. E.g., on pp. 110-11: Sanctus Petrus. Marcus. Counuersio pauli. Dyonisius. petrus & paulus occisi. Nero occidit matrem. Nero voluit imprengnar[i]. Record these as <NOTE PLACE="marg"> and place the <NOTE> element in the text at the end of the verse line next to which the word appears (or the phrase begins). Example (p. 11): <L> ... hou vair þe chamber were · <NOTE PLACE="marg">Nero ocidit matrem.</NOTE></L> <L>War inne he was ikenede ... </L> 3. Set 3 occupies the bottom portion of most pages. These notes are keyed to the text by line number. Record them as <NOTE PLACE="foot"> and insert them in the text at the end of the line to which they apply. Exceptions Corrections (drawn mostly from the Corrections list, pp. [1011]-1017) have been entered into the book in pencil --mostly in the notes, but occasionally also in the text proper (e.g. corrected line numbers). Where they are legible, accept the pencilled change as the correct text in place of the printed text. Where they are not legible, use the usual signs for illegible text ($word$ and so on). Some portions of the book (mostly in the margins next to the main text, not the notes) have been written on in ink, mostly comments and summaries. Ignore these handwritten additions.