ID # ANZ2316 SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AL TITLE: The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. ED. Eugen Kölbing PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society ES 46, 48, 65 (1885, 1886, 1894) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (both sides) = pp. [iii-iv] 2. Main text = pp. 1-218 Structure <FRONT> contains the title page only. <BODY> contains two top-level divisions corresponding to the two major versions of the poem: <DIV1 TYPE="version" N="A"> = The text on the top half of the page, pp. 1-73, 75-132, 135-218 <DIV1 TYPE="version" N="x"> = The text on the lower half of the page, pp. 1-81, 102-132, 135-218 Smaller divisions The verse lines may be divided into line-groups (<LG>): o Some of the upper text is divided into six-line stanzas, pp. 1-21. o The remainder of the upper text (possibly also the lower) is divided sporadically into verse paragraphs that should be tagged with <LG>. Trust indentation or large initial capitals as clues to <LG> breaks. NOTE: Don't confuse the indentation that marks paragraph breaks with the indentation that is used when a long line is printed in two lines for want of enough space on the page. See Keying/Coding Guidelines. Milestones 1. Folio references appear in the margin (or sometimes squeezed right into the text; or sometimes printed as footnotes) in small type, and look like this: (upper text) f. 176a1 (in margin, p.1) f. 176a2 (in text, p.4) f. 176b1 (in margin, p.5) f. 176b2 (in margin, p.7) (lower text) f. 122a. (in text, p.1) f. 122b. (in footnote, p.2) f. 123a. (in footnote, p.3) f. 123b. (in margin, p.5) Record these as: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="176a:1"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="176a:2"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="176b:1"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="176b:2"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="122a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="122b"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="123a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="123b"> Insert the <MILESTONE> tags in the text as laid out in the Keying/Coding Guidelines. 2. Where manuscripts other than the main two are printed, folio references to those manuscripts appear that include an alphabetical designation for the manuscript. Include this designation as the value of the "REND" attribute, like this: O f. 3b (in footnote, lower text, p.10) O f. 4a (in margin, lower text, p.11) O f. 4b (in margin, lower text, p.11) S f. 72b (in margin, upper text, p.111) f. 73a (in margin, upper text, p.111 -- supply "S"!!) f. 74b (in margin, upper text, p.116 -- supply "S"!!) A f. 189a1 (in margin, uppper text, p. 117 -- MS "A" resumes!!) E f. 141a (in margin of notes to upper text, p.132) E f. 141b (in margin of notes to upper text, p.132) f. 142a (in margin of notes to upper text, p.133 -- supply E!!) Record as: <MILESTONE REND="O" UNIT="folio" N="3b"> <MILESTONE REND="O" UNIT="folio" N="4a"> <MILESTONE REND="O" UNIT="folio" N="4b"> <MILESTONE REND="S" UNIT="folio" N="72b"> <MILESTONE REND="S" UNIT="folio" N="73a"> <MILESTONE REND="S" UNIT="folio" N="74b"> <MILESTONE REND="A" UNIT="folio" N="189a:1"> <MILESTONE REND="E" UNIT="folio" N="141a"> <MILESTONE REND="E" UNIT="folio" N="141b"> <MILESTONE REND="E" UNIT="folio" N="142a"> 3. Page-breaks Since same page will often be recorded twice (once when recording the upper text as the first <DIV1>, once when recording the lower text as the second <DIV1>, the <PB> tag should be entered in *both* texts. Notes There are elaborate sets of footnotes attached to both upper and lower texts (i.e., to both <DIV1>s). Most of these are keyed to the text by line number, either to a single line, or to a range of lines. Follow the procedures laid out in the Keying/Coding Guidelines; especially: (1) when the note is keyed to a particular line, insert the <NOTE> tag at the end of that line and drop the line number from the note; but (2) when the note is keyed to a line range, insert the <NOTE> tag at the end of the last line in that range but *preserve* the line numbers in the note. Some notes are very long; a few extend for several pages (e.g., pp. 132-134). Some notes, especially the long ones, may themselves have notes, usually keyed to them by footnote number. Nest the subnotes within the note, following the same procedures as with regular notes. Many notes contain verse. This should be given the regular tags for verse-lines <L> and line-groups <LG>, even though the poetry appears in a note.