ID # ACV5981 SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AN TITLE: An English Chronicle of the reigns of Richard II. [etc.] ED. John Silvester Davies PUBLISHED: Camden Society publications 64 (1856) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (both sides) = pp. [i-ii] 2. Main text = pp. 1-110 3. Appendix = pp. 111-118 Structure <FRONT> contains the title page only. <DIV1> There are two <DIV1>s, one containing the main text (pp. 1-110), the other the appendix (pp. 111-118). <DIV2> The main text (first <DIV1>) contains four <DIV2>s, corresponding to the reigns of four kings: <DIV2> Richard II (pp. 1-18) <DIV2> Henry IV (pp. 19-38) <DIV2> Henry V (pp. 38-52) <DIV2> Henry VI (pp. 53-110) The appendix (second <DIV1>) can be broken into three <DIV2>s, corresponding to the three items mentioned in the <HEAD> of the appendix: <DIV2> [18th year of Richard II] = pp. 111-113 <DIV2> [19th year of Richard II] = pp. 114-115 <DIV2> [25th year of Henry VI] M<SUP>D</SUP> OFF THE PARLEMENT OF BERYE, ANNO DOMINI M<SUP>l</SUP>.CCCC.xlvj<SUP>o</SUP>. = pp. 116-118 (treat the italic line on p. 118, "These were tho that were dampned." as a <P> rather than a <HEAD> to avoid creating an unneccessary <DIV>) <DIV3> Each of the main-text <DIV2>s can be divided (sometimes with difficulty) by regnal year--usually indicated in the margin by "Anno ij." "[Anno xj<SUP>o</SUP>.]" etc. Treat these as headings, together with any other heading text at the head of that regnal year, especially the "A.D." date corresponding to that regnal year. Example: <DIV2> <HEAD>HENRY V. Of Kyng Harri the V, the sone of Kyng Harri the iiij aftir the Conquest. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="169"> <NOTE PLACE="marg">Ca<SUP>m</SUP>. cxlvij.</NOTE></HEAD> <DIV3 TYPE="year" N="1"> <HEAD>Anno primo. A.D. 1413</HEAD> <P>AFTIR the deth of king Harri the iiij<SUP>the</SUP>, regned his sone king Harri the V, that was ybore at Monemouth in Walis,<NOTE PLACE="marg"[Reign began on March 21st.]</NOTE> and crouned at Westmynstre on Passion Sunday.<NOTE PLACE="marg">[April 9th.]</NOTE> </P> <P>And anon, the firste yeer of his regne, for the grete and tendre loue that he hadde to king Richard, he translatid his body from Langley vnto Westmynstre, and buried him beside quene Anne his firste wiff, as his desire was.</P> <P>And this same yeer were ytake certayn Lollardes, and hereticks,<NOTE PLACE="marg">Insurreccio Lollardorum. [January A.D. 1414]</NOTE> that hadde purposid thorough their fals tresoun to haue slayn the kyng ... And a kny&yogh;t callid ser Roger of Acton was take for Lollardie and for treson, and drawe and hanged and brent in saint Gile&yogh; feld.<NOTE PLACE="marg"> [February 10th.]</NOTE></P></DIV3> <DIV3 TYPE="year" N="2"> <HEAD>Anno ij<SUP>o</SUP>. A.D. 1414</HEAD> <P>The secunde yeer of regne, he held a parlement at Westmynstre, of alle the lordis of the reme, where it was tretid and spoke of his title that he hadde to Normandie, Gascoigne, and Guyenne, that <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="169b"> were his enheritaunce; the whiche the king of Fraunce witheld wrongfulli and vnrightfulli. and so be avise of his counsel, he <PB N="40"> sente ... Smaller divisions Paragraph breaks should be recorded with <P>, inset poetry with <LG> and <L> Milestones 1. Folio references appear in the margin in plain type, like this: Folio 169. Folio 169 b. Folio 170. Folio 170 b. Record as: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="169"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="169b"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="170"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="170b"> Insert the <MILESTONE> tags at the end of the line opposite which the folio references appear in the book. 2. "Fragment" designations appear in some portions of the text. Treat these as milestones. They appear in the margins like this: Fragment C. C. b. Fragment D. D. b. Record these as: <MILESTONE UNIT="fragment" N="C"> <MILESTONE UNIT="fragment" N="Cb"> <MILESTONE UNIT="fragment" N="D"> <MILESTONE UNIT="fragment" N="Db"> Since these correspond to the breaks in the text, place the <MILESTONE> tags at the *beginning* of the line next to which they appear in the book. Note: The reference "A. b." at the bottom of p.4 is apparently a mistake for "B. b." Use N="Bb". Notes There are a few editorial notes at the bottom of the page, keyed to the text by asterisks (or daggers, etc.). Treat these in the usual way. Example (p. 61): in the whiche Gye [Henry] <NOTE PLACE="foot">This is Stowe's correction, the word "Gye" is struck out from the text and "Henry" written in the margin.</NOTE> the yong erl of Warwic was maad duke of Warwic; There are some marginal notes, mostly scribal. Treat these in the usual way: <NOTE PLACE="marg">. Insert them in the text at what seems the most appropriate spot, or (by default) at the end of the line, sentence, or paragraph next to which they appear. Example (p. 14): among othir thyngis, he fond there an egle of gold, <NOTE PLACE="marg">Nota de aquila aurea.</NOTE> and withynne the egle a violle of stoone closid, with a writyng aboute; Many dates appear in the margin, too, usually in brackets. Treat these the same way: <NOTE PLACE="marg"> NOTE: dates that appear at the *head* of the page, without brackets (in the margin opposite the first line on the page), unless they represent a change of year (and therefore, usually, form part of the <DIV3> heading), should be treated as running headers, and omitted. If this is too confusing, simply include the dates as marginal notes, as above. NOTE: the "capitulum" (cam) references that appear occasionally should be made part of the headings if possible; otherwise treated as notes.