ID # ACB1675 SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AO TITLE: Iacob and Iosep: a Middle English poem of the thirteenth century ED. Arthur S. Napier PUBLISHED: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1916 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (both sides) = pp. [iii-iv] 2. Main text = pp. 1-18 (excluding the unnumbered plate between pp. 8 and 9) Structure <FRONT> contains the title page only. <BODY> contains no divisions except verse lines <L>, a heading <HEAD>[IACOB AND IOSEP]</HEAD>, and a closer <CLOSER>Explicit Iacob & Iosep.</CLOSER> Milestones 1. Folio references appear in the margin in brackets, like this: [f. 1] [f. 1b] [f. 2] [f. 2b] Record as: <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="1a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="1b"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="2a"> <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="2b"> Insert the <MILESTONE> tags at the end of the line opposite which the folio references appear in the book. Notes There are a few editorial notes at the bottom of the page, keyed to the text by footnote numbers. Treat these in the usual way. Example (p. 6): <L N="170">& his sones ten from<NOTE PLACE="foot">MS. <I>fron</I>.</NOTE> felde comeþ hom,</L> Characters This edition uses the 7-shaped "tironian 'et'" frequently. Record as &. It represents the manuscript's deletion mark by a dot below a character (e.g. in the footnote on page 3). Record this dot with the character entity &dotb; ('dot below'), placed after the character that is dotted. <NOTE PLACE="foot"><I>alle</I>] MS. <I>alla&dotb;e.</I></NOTE>