SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AQ ID # AJD3529 TITLE: A Common-place Book of the Fifteenth Century [Book of Brome] ED. Lucy Toulmin Smith PUBLISHED: London, 1886 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (recto only) = unnumbered page 2. Main text = pp. 11-176 Structure <FRONT> contains the title page only. <BODY> contains three top-level divisions: <DIV1>s <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="1"> (pp.11-123: poetry) <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="2"> (pp.124-166: manorial law) <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="3"> (pp.167-176: private accounts) <DIV2>s, <DIV3>s Each of the <DIV1>s is subdivided into individual pieces (<DIV2>s); and occasionally further into <DIV3>s or <LG>s. Suggested structure: <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="1"> (pp.11-123: poetry) <DIV2><HEAD>SOME OLD PUZZLES AND SAYINGS</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>[Sayings.]</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>[Different positions.]</HEAD> (tag this as a table) <DIV3><HEAD>[Five puzzles.]</HEAD> (tag this as a table) <DIV3><HEAD>[Daily Rules.]</HEAD> (tag as a poem) <DIV2><HEAD>RULES FOR CONDUCT</HEAD> (tag as a poem with six stanzas) <DIV2><HEAD>FORTUNE IN LIFE ... </HEAD> (tag as a poem with stanza breaks at indentations) <DIV2><HEAD>FRAGMENTS BY LYDGATE.</HEAD> (tag as a poem with four stanzas, each with a <HEAD>: Prudencia. Justicia. etc.) <DIV2><HEAD>THE CATECHISM OF ADRIAN ... </HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>PLAY OF ABRAHAM AND ISAAC.</HEAD> (tag with the tags for drama: <SPEAKER>, <SP>, <STAGE> as well as with the verse tags <L>) <DIV2><HEAD>THE FIFTEEN SIGNS BEFORE DOOMSDAY.</HEAD> (treat the marginal roman numerals marking each of the fifteen signs as <HEAD>s for line groups <LG>) <DIV2><HEAD>ST. PATRICK'S PURGATORY ... </HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>THE LIFE OF ST. MARGARET.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>PRAYERS.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>DIRECTIONS FOR A TRENTAL.</HEAD> (actual text does not begin until the bottom of page 121.) <DIV2><HEAD>A CAROL OF THE ANNUNCIATION.</HEAD> (this is all verse, though it doesn't always look like it.) <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="2"> (pp.124-166: manorial law) <DIV2><HEAD>THE FELSON BOOK</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>This is the felson booke for the Est Comonne ...</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>This is the felsson bocke of the West Comon ... </HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>This is the bille of the Felson in Stuston.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>THE TASK BOOK.</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>Thys ys the boke ffor ... Sturston.</HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>Thrandston.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>CHURCH DUTIES.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>LEGAL FORMS OF PRIVATE CHARTERS ... </HEAD> <DIV3 N="1"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, top of page 133) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, bottom of page 133-4) <DIV3 N="2"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, page 134) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, page 135) <DIV3 N="3"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp.135-6) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 136-7) <DIV3 N="4"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 137-8) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 138-9) <DIV3 N="5"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 139-40) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 140-2) <DIV3 N="6"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, p. 142) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 142-3) <DIV3 N="7"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 143-4) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, p. 144) <DIV3 N="8"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 144-5) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, p. 145) <DIV3 N="9"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 145-6) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 146-7) <DIV3 N="10"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, p. 147) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 147-8) <DIV3 N="11"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, p. 148) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 148-9) <DIV3 N="12"> <DIV4 N="a"> (Latin, pp. 149-50) <DIV4 N="b"> (English, pp. 150-51) <DIV2><HEAD>THE ARTICLES OF ENQUIRY AT A COURT ... </HEAD> <DIV3><HEAD>THE CORTE BARUNE</HEAD> (pp.154-160) <P N="1"> <P N="2"> <P N="3"> (etc.) <DIV3><HEAD>ARTICULI LETE.</HEAD> (pp.160-166) <P N="1"> <P N="2"> <P N="3"> (etc.) <CLOSER>Expliciunt Articuli Cure et Lete.</CLOSER> <DIV1 TYPE="part" N="3"> (pp.167-176: private accounts) <DIV2><HEAD>ACCOUNT OF (?) ROBT. MELTON ... </HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>ROBERT MELTON'S ACCOUNTS: PURCHASES</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>ROBERT MELTON'S ACCOUNTS: DEBTORS</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>ROBERT MELTON'S ACCOUNTS: PURCHASES</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>R. MELTON'S ACCOUNT: WITH MISTRESS FROXMER.</HEAD> <DIV2><HEAD>AGREEMENT AND QUITTANCE</HEAD> Smaller structures Divide into paragraphs and line-groups as needed. Line numbers The numbers in the left margin of the poem on pp. 15-18 are not line numbers, but rolls of dice (665 = a roll of 6, 6, 5 on three dice). Treat these as headings (<HEAD>) for the <LG> that begins on that line. The poem on pp. 25-46 uses several different kinds of line numbers: some plain; some in parentheses; some with letters attached: Record all of these kinds with the "N" attribute of the <L> element, but retain the distinctions like this: 360 <L N="360"> a <L N="360a"> b <L N="360b"> 361 <L N="361"> (357) <L N="(357)"> The poems on pp. 82-106 and 107-118 use a few strange line numbers; record them as much as possible as they appear: 290 <L N="290"> a <L N="290a"> b <L N="290b"> 291 <L N="291"> 328 <L N="328"> A1 <L N="A1"> 368 <L N="368"> B1 <L N="B1"> Milestones 1. Folio references are inconsistently presented, usually alongside the text (not quite in the margins), or occasionally at the head of a section of text. They look like this: Record like this: ------------------------------------------------------ Fol. 1. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="1a"> Fo. 1 vo. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="1b"> Fo. 2. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="2a"> Fo.2v.o <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="2b"> Fo.3. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="3a"> Fo.80 vo. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="80b"> Fo. 81. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="81a"> Fo.5a. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="5a"> Fo.5b. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="5b"> Fo.6a. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="6a"> Fo.6b. <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="6b"> Notes Editorial notes appear mostly at the bottom of the page, keyed to the text by footnote numbers. Treat these,and occasional bracketed notes elsewhere, in the usual way. Treat the introductory paragraphs to each item as head notes <NOTE PLACE="head"> attached to the main <HEAD> for that item.