Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AHA2735
TITLE: Robert of Brunne's "Handlyng Synne"
ED. Frederick J. Furnivall
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 119, 123 (1901, 1903)


En-face? NO.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (both sides)                    = unnumbered page
  2. Main text: ENGLISH TEXT ONLY, NOT FRENCH    = pp. 1-396 (left cols.)

NOTE: KEY ONLY the English text, not the French. This usually occupies
the left column of each page, though on a few pages (e.g. 382-5, 
210-11), the French text spills across the entire bottom half
of the page; rarely also across the entire upper part of the page.

LIKEWISE, KEY ONLY the notes/apparatus that pertain to the English
text, not to the French. (Notes to the English text are usually
marked by footnote numbers; notes to the French text are usually
marked by footnote *letters*)


  <FRONT> contains the title page only.
  <BODY> contains the main text, beginning like this:
    (p.1)   <BODY>
            <HEAD>Roberd of Brunne's "Handlyng Synne."</HEAD>
                (omit remainder of this heading since it applies
                to the French portion of the text, which we won't
                be keying)
            <HEAD>[<I>Harl. MS.</I> 1701; <I>Bodl.</I> 415]
                 <NOTE PLACE="foot">The Readings in the English
                 notes are from Bodl. 415 (generally named <I>O</I>.)
                 except when markt <I>Harl.</I> for Harl. 1701,
                 or D. for Dulwich 24.</NOTE></HEAD>
             <OPENER>Here bygynne&thorn; &thorn;e boke &thorn;at
             men clepyn yn frenshe Manuele pecche, &thorn;e whych
             boke made yn frenshe, Roberd Gros-test, Bysshop of
             Lyncolne.<NOTE PLACE="foot">Bodl. 415 has this too ...
    The text is organized around five major divisions:
    (1) Prolog, (2) Ten Commandments, (3) Seven (eight)
    Deadly Sins; (4) Seven Sacraments; and (5) Shrift
    (Confession), each of which is subdivided (or sub-sub-
    divided) into its constituent parts (each of the
    commandments, each of the sins, etc.); each of which is then
    illustrated with inset stories.
    Follow this structure if possible, tagging as <DIV>s
    only the parts that are belong to the main structure;
    the headings attached to the "tales" and other subordinate
    bits that don't fit the main scheme should be treated
    as <HEADS> to line-groups (<LG>s) rather than as <HEAD>s
    to <DIV>s, as outlined below (this list is probably *not*
    a complete listing of headings, but is good enough as a 
    <DIV1>Prolog                                         (p.1)
    <DIV1>[Commandments]                                 (p.6)
       <DIV2>First Commandment
           <LG>Tale of tempted monk
           <LG>Tale of the Witch
       <DIV2>Second Commandent                           (p.23)
           <LG>Against Swearing Oaths
       <DIV2>Third Commandment                           (p.29)
           <LG>Tale of the Vine-Storms
       <DIV2>Fourth Commandment                          (p.38)
           <LG>Tale of the Fond Father
           <LG>Tale of the Mother who curst her Child
       <DIV2>Fifth Commandment                           (p.47)
           <LG>Tale of the Knight who had a Vision
       <DIV2>Sixth Commandment                           (p.58)
           <LG>Tale of the Adulterous Wife
           <LG>Tale of St. Macaire
       <DIV2>Seventh Commandment                         (p.73)
           <LG>Tale of Zenon
           <LG>Tale of a Knight who robd a Poor Man
           <LG>Tale of Seint Forsyne's Visit to Hell
       <DIV2>Eighth  Commandment                         (p.93)
           <LG>Tale of the Rich Forswearer
           <LG>Gest of Syre Jepte
       <DIV2>Ninth Commandment                           (p.103)
       <DIV2>Tenth Commandment                           (p.103)
    <DIV1>Seven Deadly Sins                              (p.105)
       <DIV2>Pride                                       (p.105)
           <LG>Tale of the Hypocritical Monk
           <LG>Tale of the Proud Lady
           <LG>Tale of the Knight and Monk who lovd new Fashions
           <LG>Tale of the backbiting English Monk
       <DIV2>Anger                                       (p.127)
           <LG>Tale of the Merciful Knight
       <DIV2>Envy                                        (p.133)
           <LG>Tale of the Bear
       <DIV2>Sloth                                       (p.143)
           <LG>Tale of the English Squire who put off his Repentance
           <LG>Against Tournaments
           <LG>Tale of the Minstrel who was kild
           <LG>Tale of Bishop St. Robert Grostest
           <LG>Tale of the Father that would not chastise his Child.
           <LG>Tale of 'Syre Ely'
           <LG>Tale of the Priest Carpus's Vision
       <DIV2>Covetousness                                (p.174)
           <LG>Tale of the Hard Judge
           <LG>Of Simony
           <LG>Of Usurers
           <LG>Tale of Pers the Usurer.
           <LG>Tale of Lucretius
           <LG>Tale of the good Hermit
           <LG>Tale of the Cambridgeshire Miser-Parson
           <LG>Tale of the Three Dishonest Executors
           <LG>Tale of the Two wicked Kesteven Executors
       <DIV2>Gluttony                                    (p.210)
           <LG>Against making Men drunk
           <LG>Tale of Dives and Lazarus
           <LG>Tale of St. John the Almoner
           <LG>Tale of Bishop Troylus
       <DIV2>Lechery                                     (p.234)
           <LG>Tale of St. Benet's Temptation
           <LG>Tale of the Jew who heard some Devils' Reports
           <LG>Tale of the Priest's Concubine
           <LG>Tale of St. Justyne
           <LG>Tale of the Tempted Hermit
       <DIV2>Sacrilege                                   (p.271)
           <LG>Tale of the Reproof that a Norfolk Bondman gave
           <LG>Tale of Valentine
           <LG>Tale of the Temptation of St. John Chrystostom's Deacon
           <LG>Tale of the Sacrilegious Husband and Wife
           <LG>Tale of the Sacrilegious Carollers
           <LG>Tale of the Devil's Disappointment
           <LG>Tale of Belshazzar's Feast
    <DIV1>Seven Sacraments                               (p.297)
       <DIV2>Baptism                                     (p.297)
           <LG>Tale of the Midwife
           <LG>Tale of the Bad Bourgeois
       <DIV2>Confirmation                                (p.306)
       <DIV2>Sacrament of the Altar                      (p.309)
           <LG>Tale of the Priest for who the Sacramental Bread and Wine ...
           <LG>Tale of the Priest who was enabled to see Folk's sins ...
           <LG>Tale of the Priest who was waited on by a Dead Lord
           <LG>Tale of the Suffolk Man
           <LG>Bede's Tale of Jumna and Tumna
           <LG>Tale of the Miner
       <DIV2>Penance                                     (p.335)
       <DIV2>Holy Orders                                 (p.339)
           <LG>Tale of Paschasius's Punishment
           <LG>Tale of Warning against buying Bishoprics
       <DIV2>Marriage                                    (p.345)
       <DIV2>Aneylyng or Extreme Unction                 (p.347)
    <DIV1>Shrift (Confession)                            (p.349)
       <DIV2>[prolog]                                    (p.349)
       <DIV2>[12 points of shrift]                       (p.351)
          <DIV3>Fyrste poynt of shryfte                  (p.351)
          <DIV3>Secunde poynt of shryfte                 (p.353)
          <DIV3>&thorn;red poynt of shryfte              (p.355)
          <DIV3>four&thorn;e poynt of shryfte            (p.356)
          <DIV3>fyue&thorn;e poynt of shryfte            (p.357)
          <DIV3>syxte poynt of shryfte                   (p.359)
          <DIV3>seuen&thorn;e poynt of shryfte           (p.361)
          <DIV3>ey&yogh;&thorn;e poynt of shryfte        (p.362)
          <DIV3>ny&yogh;n&thorn;e poynt of shryfte       (p.364)
              <LG>Bible-Tale of Ananias and Sapphira
          <DIV3>ten&thorn;e poynt of shryfte             (p.366)
          <DIV3>eleuen&thorn;e poynt of shryfte          (p.367)
          <DIV3>twelue&thorn; poynt of shryfte           (p.369)
              <LG>Tale of how Shrift made a Woman's unconfest Sin fly out of her Mouth
       <DIV2>[8 graces that shrift gives]                (p.371, line 11891)
          <DIV3>fyrste grace                             (p.371, line 11899)
          <DIV3>secunde grace                            (p.372) 
          <DIV3>&thorn;red grace                         (p.374)
          <DIV3>four&thorn;e grace                       (p.375)
          <DIV3>fyfue&thorn; grace                       (p.376)
          <DIV3>syxte grace                              (p.378)
          <DIV3>seuen&thorn;e grace                      (p.379)
              <LG>Tale of How to Put the Devil's Eye out
          <DIV3>eyghte grace                             (p.383)
       <DIV2>[properties of shrift]                      (p.385, line 12283)
          <DIV3>That &thorn;ou falle nat yn wanhope      (p.386)
          <DIV3>That &thorn;ou excuse nat &thorn;y synne (p.387)
          <DIV3>That &thorn;ou make nat &thorn;y synne lytyl to seme (p.389)
          <DIV3>That &thorn;ou make not skornyng yn shryfte          (p.391)
              <LG>Tale of how the Devil came to be Shriven
  Folio references appear in the margins in brackets, as below.
  The trickiest form in which they appear is the most abbreviated:
  [10/2]  means the second column of folio 10, i.e. the second column
          on the front of folio 10
  [10/3]  means the third column of folio 10, i.e., the first column
          on the back of folio 10.
  [10/4]  means the fourth column of folio 10, i.e., the second column
          on the back of folio 10
  Examples (in the order they appear in the book):
  [lf.10]                  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="10a">
  [lf.10, col.2]           =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="10a:2">
  [10/3]                   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="10b">
  [lf.10 bk., col.2]       =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="10b:2">
  [leaf 11]                =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="11a">
  [lf.11, col.2]           =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="11a:2">
  [leaf 11, bk.]           =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="11b">
  [lf.11, bk., col.2]      =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="11b:2">
  [lf.12]                  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="12a">
  [lf.12, col.2]           =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="12a:2">
  [lf.12, bk.]             =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="12b">
  [lf.12, bk., col.2]      =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="12b:2">
  [leaf 13]                =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="13a">
  [13/2]                   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="13a:2">
  [13 bk]                  =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="13b">
  [13/4]                   =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="13b:2">
  [leaf 14]                =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="14a">
  [leaf 14, col. 2]        =  <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="14a:2">


 Most notes appear as footnotes at the bottom of the page, keyed to 
 the text by footnote numbers. Treat these in the usual way.

 Some words appear between the lines. Treat these as 
 <NOTE PLACE="inter">, and place the note after the 
 word in the next line that appears below the interlinear

 Some footnotes are keyed to a pair of numbers, like this,
 on p. 72:

   Text reads:
   So meke wymmen 2of so fayre2 manere;

   Note reads:
   2_2 of here O, mylde women of here D.

   In this case, retain the pair of numbers in both text and
   note, coded in the text with <SUP> tags, and place the 
   note immediately after the second superscripted number
   in the text.
 Some lines end in asterisks, daggers, double daggers, section-
 symbols, etc.  These serve to link the English text to the
 French. Don't key these at all.

Over-long lines ...

  of verse in this book are usually continued at the end of the
  next or at the end of the previous line (depending on where there
  is more room), marked off with an opening square bracket, like
  (p. 26:)
  whar art þou womman, þat makyst swych
  ho haþ made  þy chyld so blody?" [cry?
  "Þou," she seyd, "hast hym so shent,
  Þe folk þanked god echone,
  Þat þe dragun aweye was gone.   [tale
  wommen þat breke wedlak, mow yn þys
  In the first example, "cry?" belongs at the end of the
  previous line; in the second example "tale" belongs
  at the end of the following line:
  <L>whar art &thorn;ou womman, &thorn;at makyst swych cry?</L>
  <L>wommen &thorn;at breke wedlak, mow yn &thorn;ys tale</L>