SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AS ID # APE9595 TITLE: Laud Troy Book ED. J. Ernst Wülfing PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 121, 122 (1902, 1903) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page to part 1 (both sides) = unnumbered page 2. Title page to part 2 (front) = unnumbered page 3. Main text: = pp. 1-549 Structure <FRONT> contains the title pages only. <BODY> contains the main text, divided into <DIV1>s. <DIV1>s are marked by drop caps. E.g., on p.4: <L N="104">Hende, now herken to my spelle!</L> </DIV1> <DIV1> <L>IN the lond of Thesalye--</L> <L>As telles vs the right storie--</L> The <DIV1>s lack headings. The bold words or phrases that sometimes occur between the lines and that look like they could be headings--e.g. on p.4: ¶ Polleus. ¶ Thesalie. --should be treated as interlinear notes, tagged with <NOTE PLACE="inter">. See below under "notes". Milestones Folio references appear in the margins in brackets, as below. [lf. 3] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="3a"> [lf. 3, bk.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="3b"> [lf. 4.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="4a"> [lf. 4, bk.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="4b"> [lf. 5.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="5a"> [lf. 5, bk.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="5b"> [lf. 6.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="6a"> [lf. 6, bk.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="6b"> Notes Some notes appear as footnotes at the bottom of the page, keyed to the text by footnote numbers. Treat these in the usual way. Some words appear in bold text between the lines. Tag these as <NOTE PLACE="inter"> and place the <NOTE> element after the preceding line. Do not tag these with <B>, since the bold type simply indicates that the words are scribal notes, and don't belong to the main text. Some words appear in bold text in the margin. Tag these as <NOTE PLACE="marg"> and place the <NOTE> element at the end of the corresponding line of verse. There are frequently footnotes *to* these marginal notes, which should be tagged in the usual way as nested notes. Do not tag the bold text with <B>, since it simply indicates that these are notes, and don't belong to the main text. Example, page 4: Riche of kyn and other thyng, 108 That het Polleus, whil he hadde lyff, ¶ Rex And Tetes het the qwene his wyff. Polleus1. Record as: <L N="108">Riche of kyn and other thyng,</L> <L>That het Polleus, whil he hadde lyff, <NOTE PLACE="marg">¶ Rex Polleus <NOTE PLACE="foot">The signs in blue, then names in red paint; and so always. Here the last three stand in the <I>left</I> margin in MS. </NOTE>. </NOTE> </L> <L>And Tetes het the qwene his wyff.</L> Quire Signatures and Catch Words to be omitted. Quire signatures and catchwords from the original mansuscript appear in the margins in bold type. OMIT THESE FROM KEYING. The quire signatures look like this: K jjj K iiij M ij z ij 25 [j] 25 [ij] 30 [iij] The catchwords are enclosed by braces on left and right and by horizontal lines above and below to form a kind of box. For example: --------- (p. 224) { On eche } --------- ---------- (p. 64) { And told } ----------