SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AV ID # AAW7316 TITLE: Tundale ED. Albrecht Wagner PUBLISHED: Halle : Max Niemeyer, 1893 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (front only) = (page [i]) 2. Main text and Nachtrag = pp. [1]-136. Structure <FRONT> contains the title page only. <BODY> contains the main text, divided into verse lines. There are no <DIV>s. <BACK> contains the "Nachtrag." on p. 136. Milestones There are apparently no folio references; if any are found, encode them as usual with the <MILESTONE> element. Notes Footnotes in this book are linked to the text by line numbers. Encode these as <NOTE PLACE="foot"> in the usual way. Follow the Keying/Coding Guidelines for references to ranges of lines (41-60, etc.). Italics This edition uses italics in an unusual way. Nevertheless follow the rules about italics given in the Keying/Coding Guidelines; that is, record with <I> tags any words that are entirely italicized in the book; but do not attempt to record italic letters within words.