SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: AX ID # AHA2708 TITLE: The Early South-English Legendary ED. Carl Horstmann PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 87 (1887) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (front and back) = pages [iii-iv] 2. Table of Contents = pages v-vi 3. Main text and Appendix = pages 1-496 Structure <FRONT> contains the title page and table of contents only. <BODY> contains most of the book, divided into two major divisions (<DIV1>s), containing the main text (pp.1-483) and the Appendix (pp.85-496) respectively. These are subdivided into the sixty saints' legends, numbered 10-67 (main text) and 73-74 (appendix), as listed in the table of contents. <DIV1>s are used to separate the main text (pp.1-483) from the Appendix (pp.85-496). <DIV2>s are used to mark each of the sixty saints' legends, as listed in the table of contents and supplied with numbers and headings in the text. Smaller Divisions Use <LG> as necessary to indicate breaks in the verse--especially when a break is marked by a large initial capital letter. Milestones Folio references appear in the margin in brackets, like this: [fol. 85] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="85"> [fol. 85 b.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="85b"> [fol. 86] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="86"> [fol. 86 b.] <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="86b"> Most of the time, these appear next to a line of verse, in which case place the <MILESTONE> tag at the end of that <L> element. Sometimes, there is insufficient room in the margin, and the folio reference is instead linked to the right line by a footnote number. In that case, place the <MILESTONE> tag wherever the footnote number is placed in the text--always at the end of a line, as far as I've noticed. Notes * Editorial notes are squeezed in everywhere in this book: usually in the margin or between the lines when they won't fit in the margin, keyed to the text by footnote-style reference numbers. Always look for the nearest corresponding number in the text, since the same note number often appears several times on one page. Treat these as usual, except that the value of the PLACE attribute should be "marg1" in order to distinguish these notes from... * Other notes in the margin. There are many words and phrases in the margin that are *not* supplied with note numbers. Encode these as <NOTE PLACE="marg2">, and place the tag wherever it seems to apply--usually the *beginning* of the line, or the beginning of the section, next to which the note appears. Example, p.123: <L N="600">homage he scholde don to him : are he j-confermed were.'</L> <L> <NOTE PLACE="marg2">vj<SUP>a</SUP>.</NOTE> ¶ Þe sixte was, '&yogh;if ani plait : to chapitle were i-drawe</L> <L>And ani man made ani apel : &yogh;if men duden him a-&yogh;en lawe,</L> <L>Þat to þe bischop fram þe Ercedekne : his apel [he] <NOTE PLACE="marg1">om.</NOTE></L>