SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: BA ID # BAU1376 TITLE: The Pricke of Conscience ED. Richard Morris PUBLISHED: The Philological Society (1863) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (front only) 2. Table of Contents = pages [XXXIV]-XLI 3. Main text = pages [1]-259 Structure <FRONT> contains the title page and table of contents only. Encode the Table of Contents as a set of nested lists. <BODY> contains the body of the poem. <DIV1>s are used to identify the nine main divisions of the poem: the Prologue, seven Books, and Epilogue. Note: the divisions between books are not easy to see, and the headings for the books are not easy to distinguish from the verse proper. Prologue = pp. 1-11 (no heading) Book 1 = pp. 11-26 Book 2 = pp. 26-46 Book 3 = pp. 46-73 Book 4 = pp. 73-108 Book 5 = pp. 108-173 Book 6 = pp. 173-203 Book 7 = pp. 203-256, line 9532 Epilogue = pp. 256(line 9533)-p.259 (no heading) Though the headings have line numbers as if they were part of the verse, ignore those numbers (or record them with the "N" attribute of the <LB> tag if that's easier). Sample headings: (p.11) <HEAD>Here bygynnes þe first part þat es of mans wrechednes.</HEAD> (p.26) <HEAD>Here bygynnes þe secunde part þat es of þe world.</HEAD> Verse and prose Bits of Latin prose (in italics) are interspersed in the English verse. Since these are numbered with verse line numbers, treat them as part of the verse. Example (p.31) For þe godspel says on þis wyse: 1100 Nemo potest duobus dominis ser- vire, quia aut enim unum odio ha- bebit et alterum diliget, aut unum sustinebit et alterum contempnet. 1104 He says "na man may serve rightly Two lordes to-gedir, þat er contrary, <L>For þe godspel says on þis wyse:</L> <L N="1100"><I>Nemo potest duobus dominis ser-</I></L> <L><I>vire, quia aut enim unum odio ha-</I></L> <L><I>bebit et alterum diliget, aut unum</I></L> <L><I>sustinebit et alterum contempnet.</I></L> <L N="1104">He says "na man may serve rightly</L> <L>Two lordes to-gedir, þat er contrary,</L> Milestones Folio references are lacking. Notes There are occasional footnotes linked to the text by footnote numbers; treat these in the usual way. There are a very few marginal scribal notes, e.g., on p. 108, "signa ante judicium." These are difficult to distinguish from the modern English summaries that fill the margins, and may safely be ignored and excluded.