Book-by-book coding instructions

ID # AHA2702
TITLE: Legends of the Holy Rood; Symbols of the Passion [etc.]
ED.  Richard Morris
PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 46 (1871)


En-face? YES, in part.

Key and code the following pages:

  1. Title page (front and back)
  2. The following parts of the main text:
     [omit "I."]
     II.   (pp.18-61)
     III.  (pp.62-86)
     IV.   (pp.87-97)
     [omit "V."]
     VI.   (pp.[108]-122)
     VII.  (pp.[122]-130)
     VIII. (pp.[131]-149)
     IX.   (pp.[150]-152)
     X.    (p.[153])
     XI.   (pp.[154]-160)
     XII.  (pp.[161]-169)
     XIII. (pp.[170]-196)
  3. The Appendix (pp. 197-224); i.e.:
     I.    (pp.[197]-221)
     II.   (pp.222-224)


  <FRONT> contains only the title page.
  <BODY>  contains the main text and appendix,
          as listed above.
     divide the main text from the appendix
     (each is put in its own <DIV1>)
     are used for the large divisions marked
     with roman numerals, as listed above,
     that is, sections II-IV and VI-XIII of
     the main text and sections I-II of 
     the appendix.
     are used to mark major divisions
     within the <DIV2>s, especially as marked
     by headings. Note particularly the
     o Main text, section II contains two versions
       running parallel on facing pages; each should
       be placed in its own <DIV3>:
        (1) Even pages 18-60 contain one version
            (from manuscript Ashmole 43).
        (2) Odd pages 19-61 contain another version
            (from the Vernon manuscript)
     o Main text, section III contains headings in
       italics on pp. 62, 71, 72, 75, 79, 81, and 
       84 which may be used as the <HEAD>s of 
     o Main text, section XIII contains two
       versions, mostly running parallel on
       facing pages; each should be placed
       in its own <DIV3>:
       (1) Even pages [170]-194 and pp.195-196
           contain one version (from manuscript
           Royal 17.A.27).
       (2) Odd pages [171]-193 contain another
           version (from Additional manuscript
     o Main text, section I contains two <DIV3>s:
       "Dispute between Mary and the Cross" (pp.
       [197]-209) and "Festivals of the Church"
   <LG>s and <P>s
     Treat the following divisions as stanzas (<LG>s)
     or paragraphs (<P>s) rather than <DIV3>s:
     o in Main text, section VIII (pp.[131]-149), 
       numbered stanzas I-XL.
     o in Main text, section IX (pp.[150]-152), numbered
       stanzas I-VI.
     o in Main text, section XI (pp.[154]-160), unnumbered
     o in Main text, section XII (pp.[161]-169), unnumbered
     o in Appendix, section I (pp.[197]-221), two sets of
       numbered stanzas running I-XL and I-XXX.
Problem text

  Appendix, section II (pp.222-224), is a confused set of
  extracts. simply tag the whole text as if it were English
  verse (with <L> tags, but no <LG>s) and leave it to us
  to sort out.


   Section XIII of the main text (Symbols of the Passion,
   pp. [170]-196) contains illustrations embedded in the
   text. Encode these simply as <FIGURE>.
   Many of these illustrations have a phrase in italics directly
   beneath them, e.g., on p. 174 "Triginta denarii", "Lanterna",
   and "Gladii et fustes." Encode these phrases as <HEAD>s
   nested within the <FIGURE> element. E.g.:
     <HEAD>Gladii et fustes.</HEAD>


  Folio references generally appear in brackets in the margins
  (occasionally linked to a spot in the text with an asterisk
  or similar flag). They look like this:
    [fol. Cxxxii. col. 1.]    = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="Cxxxiia:1">
    [fol. Cxxxii. col. 2.]    = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="Cxxxiia:2">
    [fol. Cxxxii. b, col. 1.] = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="Cxxxiib:1">
    [fol. Cxxxii. b, col. 2.] = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="Cxxxiib:2">
    [fol. 316]                = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="316a:1">
    [fol. 316, col. 2.]       = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="316a:2">
    [fol. 316, col. 3.]       = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="316a:3">
    [fol. 316 b, col. 1.]     = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="316b:1">
    [fol. 316 b, col. 2.]     = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="316b:2">
    [fol. 77.]                = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="77a:1">
    [fol. 77, col. 2.]        = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="77a:2">
    [fol. 77b.]               = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="77b:1">
    [fol. 77b, col. 2.]       = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="77b:2">