SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: BX ID #AEW3422 TITLE: The Governance of England ... by Sir John Fortescue ED. Charles Plummer PUBLISHED: Oxford, 1885 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? NO. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page (front only) = IMAGE 00000003.tif 2. Main text = pp. [109]-157 = IMAGES 00000133.tif-00000181.tif Structure <FRONT> contains only the title page. <BODY> contains the main text <DIV1>s Encode the chapters as <DIV1>s, using TYPE="chapter". For example: <DIV1 TYPE="chapter" N="1"> <HEAD>CHAPTER I. THE DEFERENCE BI TWENE DOMINIUM REGALE AND DOMINIUM POLITICUM ET REGALE.</HEAD> <P>THER bith ij kyndes off kyngdomes, of the wich ... Milestones Folio references do not seem to appear. Bold/black-letter type Dark black-letter (or "Gothic") type is used in this edition for words and phrases in Latin. Record this using the bold (<B>) tag. Note that the "i"s in this type are dotted with a mark that resembles an acute accent, but these should be recorded simply as "i" not as "í"
<B>Jus polliticum et regale</B>