SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: CQ ID #: ANT9912 TITLE: Political, Religious, and Love Poems ED. Frederick J. Furnivall PUBLISHED: Early English Text Society 15, 1866 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? No, except pp. 46-55, pp. 180-189, and pp.190-232, which are running parallel texts. Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page = p.[iii-iv] = IMAGES 00000005.tif-00000006.tif 2. Main text = p.xlvi-292 = IMAGES 00000048.tif-00000342.tif Structure The text consists of two <DIV1>s, the first with the <HEAD> "POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND LOVE POEMS", the second with the <HEAD> "SHORT RELIGIOUS POEMS." Within each <DIV1> occur numerous unnumbered <DIV2>s (that is, each separate poem or prose piece should be considered a <DIV2>). In the case of running parallel texts (see pp.46-55, pp.180-189, pp.190-232, p.243), each version should be considered a <DIV3>. Follow Guidelines for divisions within individual poems (numbered stanzas treated as <LG>s with number as attribute, etc.; poems with titled parts (see pp.123-132) divided into <DIV3>s; "Explicit..." at the end of a poem is treated as <TRAILER>. Milestones Folio references appear in brackets in the margins, in this form: [leaf 134,back] = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="134b"> [leaf 135] = <MILESTONE UNIT="folio" N="135"> and so on. They should be placed at the end of the line opposite which they occur, as usual. MS. references (often including folio references and other descriptive material) that are placed at the beginning of the poem (usually in brackets or parentheses) should be treated as editorial head-notes, not as <MILESTONES>. Notes Editorial notes (in brackets) occur sometimes at the beginning of the poem, sometimes at the end of the poem. Those at the beginning of the poem (generally MS. references, with minimal description) should be embedded at the end of the <HEAD>. Those at the end of the poem should be embedded at the end of the final line. Footnotes identified by superscript arabic numerals should be embedded as indicated, discarding superscripts, as usual. Footnotes identified by line numbers should be embedded at the end of the appropriate line, as usual. p.15-42: Marginal notes indicating the speaker in various sections ("Equus, etc.) should be ignored. p.143-173: In cases of footnotes numbered superscript 1-1, 2-2, etc., retain the superscript numbers in both text and footnote and embed the note after the second number in the text. E.g., on p.145, embed the 1-1 with footnote after the superscript 1 of "graue;1" (line 58). Whenever the text and footnotes contain (at the beginning of lines) an asterisk, dagger ("†"), double dagger ("‡"), section sign ("§"), and/or double vertical bar ("‖"), retain same in both locations. Special Problems: braces p.251-270: A number of poems here contain braces ("{ }") grouping parallel elements in a sentence. In each case, eliminate the braces and recast the lines as a single sentence or series of sentences, maintaining lines when possible. In cases where line numbers become inaccurate as a result of the recasting, they should be ignored. Examples: p.251: ¶ primus dixit Mith&yogh; is Rith&yogh;; lith&yogh; is nith&yogh;; Fith&yogh; is flith&yogh;. ¶ secundus dixit On is two; frend is foo; wil is wo. etc. p.252: Welcomers: nuditas; Fletus; debilitas; Anglice: nakedness; Reminge; feblesse; Vel aliter sic quilibet intrat per portas, scilicet: nasty; sory; vnmi&yogh;ty; Et certe clamat... p.254; Est enim mors: mendacissima; Occultissima; repacissima; seuerissima þo dedtur so is fals and falende, Stille and eke stalkinge, Gredy and Crepynge, steorne and eke stellende. p.256: Anglice: Hey Priuet&yogh; gritliche; Hey Robbet&yogh; holliche: Hey Endet&yogh; shameliche: Hey Draweþ dredfulliche. p.257: quia hit Roteþ and breneþ, Hit freteþ and twynneþ. & ideo est sicut anglice dicitur, videlicet: Ase: þe worm on þe treo, and þe hul on þe see, and roust on þe knife, and ase deþ to þe life. p.258: Cupiditas: hit falseþ hit reymeþ hit falleþ hit shendeþ p.258: Frendsshiip þat is worsshipful serte þat is blisful wonyinge þat is ioyeful p.260: possessore: hit resteþ and hit quemeþ hit richeþ and hit demeþ p.260: Luxuria facit hec primo: hit wasteþ hit Fileþ. hit wraþþeþ hit bigileþ. p.260: Castitas est: A tresour of gret Richesse. A vertue of douthtynesse, And is a worsshipful Cloþinge And an help of gret wynn[i]nge. p.267: Vita hominis decurrit in: 10. horis.; 10 dictis; 10 radius In: ten times of þe day ten stappes of oure way ten spokes þat tornen ay p.267: ...penitentiam. videlicet: benignitas diuina, Christi doctrina, horrendum dei iudi|cium. in impeniten|tibus inferendum, & premium eternum, vere penitentibus re|promissum. anglice: Godes hore, Cristes lore, Godes grisliche dom, And the blisse þat ner nis don. p.268: expectat pacienter, parcit faciliter, suscipit liberaliter, & obliuiscitur totali|ter anglice: he abit þolemodliche, he fur-geft litliche, he vnder-fenget freliche, and he fur-þet holliche. p.268: The braces numbered 1, 2, and 3, marking the first three couplets of "Alas, that we ever Sinned!" can be ignored. p.269: Inuitant igitur fides, pietas & beneuolencia; Recipiunt spec, humilitas & continencia; Recumbunt pauperes cari|tate & paciencia; Ministrant sanctitas, zelus & modestia. vs preyen, bileue, god wille, & pite; vs kepen, god hope, Meke|nes & kastite; vus sit by, pouert, wisdom, & god leuy[n]g; vus seruen clannesse, rych & feyr bery[n]g. p.270: promissio fallax.; promocio mendax.; prolacio Mordax. anglice: A fals by-hety[n]g. A lyres auansyng. A bitynde fondi[n]g.