SHORT BATCH DESIGNATION: CR ID #: AGD2855 TITLE: Middle English Humorous Tales in Verse ED. George H. McKnight PUBLISHED: Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1913 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS En-face? No Key and code the following pages: 1. Title page = p.[iii-iv] IMAGES 00000007.tif-00000008.tif 2. Main text = [1]-59 = IMAGES 00000081.tif-00000139.tif Structure The text is divided into three <DIV1>s, as follow: 1. Dame Siriz (divided into unnumbered <LG>s) 2. The Fox and Wolf in the Well (divided into unnumbered <LG>s) 3. Sir Cleges (divided into unnumbered twelve-line <LG>s) Milestones There are no page or folio references. Notes Editorial notes (without brackets or parentheses) occur at the bottom of p.[1] and p.[25]. Embed these at the end of the <HEAD>. Footnotes are identified by line number; embed these at the end of the appropriate line. Notes identifying speakers occur in the near right margin; these should be embedded at the end of the line opposite which they occur. Notes such as "Verses 40-42 are supplied from the Edinburgh MS." (p.39) should be embedded at the end of the last line (of verse) referred to, that is, line 42 in this case.