The following list contains public-domain editions currently regarded as candidates for inclusion in the Corpus component of the Middle English Compendium. Considerations of availability, cost, textual value, scarcity of use in the MED, or practical difficulty of conversion will doubtless cause some of these eventually to be excluded.
Arnold | Select English Works of John Wyclif, ed. T. Arnold, 3 vols. 1 (1869-71). |
Bülbring | The Earliest Complete English Prose Psalter, ed. K. D. Bülbring, EETS 97 (1891; reprint 1987). |
Babington | Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden, eds. C. Babington and J. R. Lumby, 8 vols. RS 41. (1865-86). |
Babington | The Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy, by Reginald Pecock, ed. C. Babington, RS 19 (1860-1). |
Baillie-Grohman | The Master of Game by Edward, Second Duke of York, eds. W. A. Baillie-Grohman and F. Baillie-Grohman (1904). |
Black | A Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential Psalms in English Verse, Supposed to have been Written by Thomas Brampton, ed. W. H. Black, PS 7 (1842). |
Blades | Juliana Berners, The Boke of Saint Albans, ed. W. Blades (1881). |
Bramley | The Psalter … and Certain Canticles … in English by Richard Rolle of Hampole, ed. H. R. Bramley (1884). |
Bruce | Le Morte Arthur, ed. J. D. Bruce, EETSES 88 (1903; reprint 1988). |
Clark | The English Register of Oseney Abbey, by Oxford, ed. A. Clark, 2 vols. EETS 133, 144 (1907, 1913; reprint as one vol. 1971). |
Davies | An English Chronicle of the Reigns of Richard II, Henry IV [etc.] … Written before the Year 1471 …, ed. J. S. Davies, Camd. 64 (1856). |
Ellis | The Chronicle of John Hardyng, ed. H. Ellis (1812). |
Erdmann | Lydgate's Siege of Thebes, ed. A. Erdmann, EETSES 108 (1911; reprint 1984). |
Fischer | How the Wyse Man Taught Hys Sone: in drei Texten, ed. R. Fischer, EB 2 (1889). |
Forshall | The Holy Bible … by John Wycliffe and his Followers, eds. J. Forshall and F. Madden, 4 vols. (1850). |
Furnivall | A Royal Historie of the Excellent Knight Generides, ed. F. J. Furnivall, RC 85 (1865). |
Furnivall | Early English Meals and Manners, ed. F. J. Furnivall, EETS 32 (1868; reprint 1973). |
Furnivall | Hoccleve's Works: Regement of Princes and fourteen minor poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall, EETSES 72 (1897). |
Furnivall | Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne, AD 1303, and Parts of its Original, William of Wadington's Manuel des Pechiez, ed. F. J. Furnivall, EETS 119, 123 (1901, 1903; reprint as one vol. 1973). |
Furnivall | The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS, part 2, ed. F. J. Furnivall, EETS 117 (1901; reprint 1987). |
Furnivall | The Story of England by Robert Manning of Brunne, ed. F. J. Furnivall, RS 87 (1887). |
Gairdner | The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. J. Gairdner Camd. n.s. 17 (1876). |
Hall | King Horn, ed. J. Hall (1901). |
Hall | The Poems of Laurence Minot, ed. J. Hall (1887; rev. 1914). |
Halliwell | A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth by John Warkworth, ed. J. O. Halliwell, Camd. 10 (1839). |
Hausknecht | The English Charlemagne Romances V: The Romance of the Sowdone of Babylone, ed. E. Hausknecht, EETSES 39 (1881; reprint 1969). |
Hearne | Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, ed. T. Hearne (1725). |
Henslow | Medical Works of the Fifteenth Century, ed. G. Henslow (1899). |
Holt | The Ormulum, ed. R. Holt (1878). |
Horstmann | Altenglische Legenden, ed. C. Horstmann (1875). |
Horstmann | Altenglische Legenden, n.f., ed. C. Horstmann (1881). |
Horstmann | S. Editha Sive Chronicon Vilodunense, ed. C. Horstmann (1883). |
Horstmann | Sammlung altenglischer Legenden, ed. C. Horstmann (1878). |
Horstmann | The Early South-English Legendary from Bodleian MS. Laud Misc. 108, ed. C. Horstmann, EETS 87 (1887; reprint 1987). |
Horstmann | The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS, part 1, ed. C. Horstmann, EETS 98 (1892; reprint 1987). |
Horstmann | The Three Kings of Cologne, ed. C. Horstmann, EETS 85 (1886; reprint 1988). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Die Evangelien-Geschichten der Homiliensammlung des Ms. Vernon," Archiv 57 (1877). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Nachträge zu den Legenden," Archiv 62, 68, 74, 79, 80 (1879, 1882, 1885, 1887, 1888). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Orologium Sapientiae or the Seven Poyntes of Trewe Wisdom, aus MS Douce 114," Anglia (1888). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Prosalegenden," Anglia 3 (1880). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Prosalegenden: die Legenden des MS Douce 114," Anglia 8 (1885). |
Horstmann | C. Horstmann, "Questiones bytwene the Maister of Oxenford and his Clerke," ESt. 8 (1885). |
Huth | The Miroure of Mans Saluacionne, a Fifteenth Century Translation … of the Speculum Humanae Salvationis, ed. A. H. Huth, RC 118 (1888). |
Kölbing | Arthour and Merlin, ed. E. Kölbing, AB 4 (1890). |
Kölbing | Ipomedon, ed. E. Kölbing (1889). |
Kölbing | The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun, ed. E. Kölbing, EETSES 46, 48 (1885, 1886; reprint as one vol. 1973). |
Kölbing | E. Kölbing, "Kleine Publicationen aus der Auchinleck-hs.," ESt. 7, 8, 9 (1884-86). |
Kaluza | The Romaunt of the Rose, ed. Max Kaluza, Chaucer Society ser. 1, vol. 83 (1891). |
Kingsford | The Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483, ed. C. L. Kingsford, Camd., ser. 3, vols. 29 and 30 (1919). |
Konrath | The Poems of William of Shoreham, ed. M. Konrath, EETSES 86 (1902; reprint 1973). |
Laing | A Penni Worth of Witte, ed. D. Laing, Abbotsford Club 29 (1857). |
Lamond | Walter of Henley's Husbandry, ed. Elizabeth Lamond (1890). |
Madden | The Holy Bible … by John Wycliffe and his Followers, eds. J. Forshall and F. Madden, 4 vols. (1850). |
Matthew | The English Works of Wyclif, ed. F. D. Matthew, EETS 74 (1880; reprint 1973). |
Moore | Letters and Papers of John Shillingford, … , ed. S. A. Moore, Camd. n.s. 2 (1871) |
Morris | Cursor Mundi, ed. R. Morris, EETS 57 (1874; reprint 1961); 59 (1875; reprint 1966); 62 (1876; reprint 1966); 66 (1877; reprint 1966); 68 (1878; reprint 1966). |
Morris | Legends of the Holy Rood, Symbols of the Passion, and Cross-Poems, ed. R. Morris, EETS 46 (1871; reprint 1973). |
Morris | Old English Homilies and Homiletic Treatises …, ser. 1, ed. R. Morris, EETS 29, 34 (1867, 1868; reprint as one vol. 1988). |
Morris | Old English Homilies, 2nd series, ed. R. Morris, EETS 53 (1873; reprint 1973). |
Morris | The Pricke of Conscience, ed. R. Morris, PST (1863). |
Mowat | Alphita, ed. J. L. G. Mowat, Anec.O. 1.2 (1887). |
Napier | Iacob and Iosep, ed. A. S. Napier (1916). |
Panton | The Gest Hystoriale of the Destruction of Troy, eds. G. A. Panton and D. Donaldson, EETS 39, 56 (1869, 1874; reprint as one vol. 1968). 1896? |
Plummer | Fortescue, The Governance of England, ed. C. Plummer (1885). |
Sieper | Lydgate's Reson and Sensuallyte, ed. E. Sieper, EETSES 84, 89 (1901, 1903; reprint 1965). |
Simmons | The Lay Folks' Catechism, eds. T. F. Simmons and H. E. Nolloth, EETS 118 (1901; reprint 1987). |
Skeat | Joseph of Aramathie, ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 44 (1871; reprint 1987). |
Skeat | The Lay of Havelok the Dane, ed. W. Skeat, EETSES 4 (1868). |
Skeat | The Vision of William Concerning Piers Plowman, part 1 (A-text), ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 28 (1867; reprint 1990). |
Skeat | The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman …, part 3 (C-text), ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 54 (1873; reprint 1978). |
Skeat | The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, part 2 (B-text), ed. W. W. Skeat, EETS 38 (1869; reprint 1972). |
Skeat | The Wars of Alexander, an Alliterative Romance ed. W. W. Skeat, EETSES 47 (1886; reprint 1973). |
Small | English Metrical Homilies, ed. J. Small (1862).] |
Smith | A Common-Place Book of the Fifteenth Century, ed. L. T. Smith (1886). |
Todd | An Apology for Lollard Doctrines Attributed to Wicliffe, ed. J. H. Todd, Camd. 20 (1842). |
Wülfing | The Laud Troy Book, ed. J. E. Wülfing, EETS 121, 122 (1902, 1903; reprint as one vol. 1988). |
Wagner | Tundale: das mittelenglische Gedicht über die Vision des Tundalus, ed. A. Wagner (1893). |
Wright | Generydes, ed. W. A. Wright, EETS 55, 70 (1873, 1878; reprint as one vol. 1987). |
Wright | St.Brandan: a Medieval Legend of the Sea, in English Verse and Prose, ed. T. Wright, PS 14 (1844). |
Wright | The Metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester, ed. W. A. Wright, RS 86 (1887). |
Wright | The Seven Sages, ed. T. Wright, PS 16 (1845). |
Zupitza | The Romance of Guy of Warwick: from the Auchinleck MS and the Caius MS, ed. J. Zupitza, EETSES 42 (1883); 49(1887); 59(1891). |
Zupitza | The Romance of Guy of Warwick: the second or fifteenth-century version, ed. J. Zupitza, EETSES 25 (1875); 26(1876). |
Zupitza | J. Zupitza, "The Prouerbis of Wysdom," Archiv 90 (1893). |