CME: the next installment(s)
A. Disbound and scanned
- Promptorium Parvulorum (ed. Way) [ID ACV5956; cost $1900].
- George Ashby, Poems [ID APA2992; cost $ 350].
- Beryn [ID AJT8113; cost $ 420].
- Mirror of our Lady [ID AHA6123; cost $1200].
- Torrent of Portyngale (ed. Adam) [ID APA1921; cost $ 350].
- Thornton Romances [ID ACM9296; cost $ 890].
- Speculum Guy of Warwick [ID AHA2652; cost $ 160].
- Lusignen, or Partenay [ID AJT8121; cost $ 790].
- Floriz, etc. (ed. Lumby) [ID ANU0301; cost $ 228].
- Shillingford Letters [ID ACA4730; cost $ 525].
- Richard Rolle, Prose Works [ID BAC2781; cost $ 168].
- Wright's Chaste Wife [ID ANZ4597; cost $ 70].
- Generides (version 1) [ID [AHD5428]; cost $1085].
- Arthur [ID APA0508; cost $ 53].
- Chauceriana (ed. Skeat) [ID AFW4579; cost $1575].
- Robert of Gloucester Chronicle (Hrl version) [ID ABA2059; cost $1999].
- Vocabularies (ed. Wright-Wülcker; ME portion) [ID AGD2355; cost $ 350].
- Lay Folks' Mass Book [ID ANZ4165; cost $ 305].
- Sinonoma Barth. [ID AGZ0023; cost $ 154].
- Alphita [ID AGZ0024; cost $ 700].
- Selections from Early Middle English (ed. Hall, portions) [ID AGD3115; cost $ 98].
B. Left bound and scanned (flatbed)
- "Nachträge zu den legenden," Archiv 62, 68, 74 79 80 [ID BAU1377; cost $ 610].
- "Die evangelien-geschichten der homiliensammlung de ms Vernon," Archiv 57 [ID BAU1375; cost $ 266].
- "Proprium sanctorum: zusatz-homilien des ms. Vernon...," Archiv 81 [ID BAU1378; cost $ 193].
- "Orologium sapientie," Anglia 10 [ID BAU1372; cost $ 235].
- "Prosalegenden," Anglia 3 [ID BAU1374; cost $ 238].
- "Prosalegenden: die legende des ms. Douce 114," Anglia 8 [ID BAU1373; cost $ 333].
- "Die jüngere Englische fassung der Theophilussage," Englische Studien 1 [ID BAU1379; cost $ 70].
- "Zwei mittelenglische bearbeitungen der sage von St. Patrik's purgatorium," Englische Studien 1 [ID BAU1380; cost $ 81].
- Ponthus and the Fair Sidone [in] PMLA 12 (1897) [ID BAU9475; cost $ 525].
- The Middle-English metrical version of the Revelations of Methodius PMLA 33 (1918) [ID BAU9481; cost $ 91].
- "Magnificencia ecclesie," PMLA 24 (1909) [ID BAU9468; cost $ 42].
- "Die Katherinenhymne des Ricardus Spaldyng," Anglia 30 (1907) [ID BAU9489; cost $ 35].
- "A newly discovered manuscript of the Poema morale," Anglia 30 (1907) [ID BAU9485; cost $ 39].
- "Vindicta salvatoris," Archiv 111-12 (1903-4) [ID BAU9494; cost $ 123].
- John Lydgate, "Two tapestry poems...," Englische Studien 43 [ID BAV3573; cost $ 60].
- "Poems from the Garrett ms.," Englische Studien 41 [ID BAV3562; cost $ 70].
- "Eine nordenglische Cato-version," Englische Studien 36 [ID BAV3558; cost $ 193].
- "Eine neue mittelenglische version der Theophilus-sage," Englische Studien 32 [ID BAV3552; cost $ 81].
- "Short pieces from ms. Cotton Galba E.IX," Englische Studien 21 [ID BAV3532; cost $ 32].
- "Kleinere publikationen aus me. handschriften," Englische Studien 14 [ID BAV3525; cost $ 25].
- "The Middle English Evangelie,"PMLA 30 [ID BAV3523; cost $ 231].
- "An English friend of Charles of Orlèans," PMLA 26 [ID BAV3514; cost $ 102].
- "Des ms. Bodl. 779 jüngere zusatzlegenden zur südlichen legendensammlung," Archiv 82 [ID BAV3513; cost $ 354].
- "Zwei mittelenglische prosaromane : the sege of Thebes and the sege of Troy," Archiv 130 [ID BAV3512; cost $ 77].
- "The desert of religion," Archiv 126 [ID BAV3511; cost $ 91].
- "The Prouerbis of Wysdom," Archiv 90 [ID BAV3510; cost $ 18].
- "Iak and his step dam," Archiv 90 [ID BAV3509; cost $ 56].
- "Middle English rimed medical treatise," Anglia 34 [ID BAV4357; cost $ 109].
- Wm. Lichfield, "The complaint of God to sinful man and the answer of man," Anglia 34 [ID BAV4358; cost $ 60].
- "Die legenden von Celestin und Susanna," Anglia 1 [ID BAV4356; cost $ 91].
- "Prosalegenden--V. S. Antonius," Anglia 4 [ID BAV4363; cost $ 81].
- "The eye and the heart," Anglia 34 [ID BAV4379; cost $ 109].
- "De arte lacrimandi," Anglia 32 [ID BAV4372; cost $ 91].
- "Zu mittelenglischen gedichten XI: Zu den sprichwörtern Hending's," Anglia [ID BAV4366; cost $ 74].
- "Zum poema morale," Anglia 1 [ID BAV3575; cost $ 95].
- "With an O and an I," Anglia 27 [ID BAV4394; cost $ 130].
- "Lament of a prisoner against fortune," Anglia 32 [ID BAV4375; cost $ 35].
- "Ave Maria," Anglia 27 [ID BAV4395; cost $ 39].
- "Zu mittelenglischen gedichten XIII: Zu dem Streitgedichte zwischen drossel und nachtigall," Anglia 4 [ID BAV4368; cost $ 14].
- "Medicinische gedichte aus einer Stockholmer handschrift," Anglia 18 [ID BAV4396; cost $ 137].
- "Rezepte, segen und zaubersprüche aus zwei Stockholmer handschriften," Anglia 19 [ID BAV4397; cost $ 49].
- "Zu mittelenglischen gedichten X: Zu den Signa ante judicium,"Anglia 3 [ID BAV4398; cost $ 67].
- "Zu mittelenglischen gedichten I: Zu den streitgedichten zwischen körper und seele," [Body &S.(5)] Anglia 2 [ID BAV4399; cost $ 67].
- "Das trentalle Sancti Gregorii in der Edinburgher handschrift," Anglia 13 [ID BAV4424; cost $ 28].
- "London Lickpenny," Anglia 20 [ID BAV4426; cost $ 32].
- "English songs in manuscript Selden B. 26," Anglia 36 [ID BAV4427; cost $ 105].
- [John Lydgate, Aesop] "Zu Lydgates Isopus," Archiv 85 [ID BAV4428; cost $ 88].
- [Benedict Burgh, Cato] "Die Burghsche Cato-paraphrase," Archiv 115-16 [ID BAV4430; cost $ 116].
- "Die altenglische legende von St. Brendan aus ms. Ashmol. 43," Archiv 53 [ID BAV4444; cost $ 112].
- "Das leben der heiligen Maria Magdalena," [Mary Magd.(2)] Archiv 91 [ID BAV4447; cost $ 63].
- "Lydgatiana," Archiv 126-31 [ID BAV4449; cost $ 280].
- "Asneth," JEGP 9 [ID BAV4454; cost $ 144].
- "A sermon on the Lord's Prayer," JEGP 15 [ID BAV4458; cost $ 46].
- How the wyse man taught his son [ID AHA6802; cost $ 81].
- Short English Chronicle, (ed. Gairdner) Camd. n.s.28 [ID BAW0228; cost $ 280].
- Seven Sages of Rome (ed. Campbell) [ID AFW7628; cost $ 508].
C. To be left bound (suitable for overhead scanning only)
- John Hardyng, Chronicle [ID ABH6132; cost $1502].
- Account Rolls of Durham [ID AKA0420; cost $2600].
- John Lydgate, Siege of Thebes v.1 [ID ANY9949; cost $ 676].
- Select English Works of John Wyclif (ed. Arnold) vv.2-3 [ID AFB3713; cost $3325].
- Sowdone of Babylon [ID ANZ4428; cost $ 329].
- Ipomedon [ID ACA9850; cost $1253].
- Romance of the Rose (ed. Kaluza) [ID AGZ8255; cost $ 788].
- Lay Folks' Catechism [ID AHA6130; cost $ 350].
- Metrical Homilies (ed. Small) [ID ADW3957; cost $ 598].
- St. Brandan [ID ==; cost $ 119].
- Palladius de re rustica (ed. Liddell) [ID ==; cost $ 889].
- Sir Gowther (ed. Breul) [ID ==; cost $ 109].
- Early English Poems and Lives of Saints (ed. Furnivall) [ID ==; cost $ 560].
- Richard [Lionheart] (ed. Brunner) [ID AKA5148; cost $1582].
- Peri Didaxeon [ID ==; cost $ 200].
- Three Early English Metrical Romances [ID ==; cost $ 326].
D. No suitable copy found
(some of these may be scanned using overhead camera with permission of Special Collections)
- *Brampton Psalms [ID ==; cost $ ???].
- +Henslow Medical Works [ID ADX1753; cost $ ???].
- Mirror of Man's Salv. (ed. Huth) [ID AKA0472; cost $ ???].
- Seven Sages (version 3) [ID ==; cost $ ???].
- x"Maister Oxenf." ESt.8 [ID ==; cost $ ???].
- x"Poems of the Auchinleck ms." ESt.7-[8]-9-11 [ID ==; cost $ ???].
- +Thomas Hoccleve Reg.Princ. (ed. Wright) [ID AKA0435; cost $ ???].
- +Mandeville (ed. Warner) [ID AHD5444; cost $ ???].
- +Othea (ed. Warner) [ID AHD5455; cost $ ???].
- +Chron.London (Nicolas/Tyrrell) [ID AAW3066; cost $ ???].
- Noble Bk.Cook. (Napier) [ID ==; cost $ ???].
E. Dubious picks
- Gast of Gy [ID AAN2281; cost $ ???].
- Arthour and Merlin (ed. Kölbing) [ID ==; cost $1295].
- Henley Husbandry [ID ANE3535; cost $ ???].
- Titus & Vespasian (ed. Herbert) [ID AFB9520; cost $ ???].
- Thomas of Erceldoune (ed. Murray) [ID AFU6572; cost $ 165].
- Othea (Warner) [ID AHD5455; cost $ ???].
- Stations Rome [ID AJT8122; cost $ ???].
- Body and Soul (ed. Linow) [ID AJT8644; cost $ ???].
- Rotuli Parliament. vv. (4)-5-(6) [ID AHM2126; cost $ ???].
- Reliquiae antiquae [ID AEJ3573; cost $ ???].
- Palladius (ed. Lodge) [ID ==; cost $ ???].