Note: the following crude mockup is designed only to illustrate the preferred logical structure of the search, not to suggest how it should be implemented; even at the former task, it is flawed, since the 'in senses' radio-button option apparently allows one to search for features 'within senses' that do not in fact exist within senses (e.g., etymologies, forms). It is debatable how useful this would be even if correctly expressed (i.e., search for the coexistence within a sense of features A and B, limited to senses that fall within entries that also contain feature 'C').
AND | ||
searching for "liverous" automatically searches also for leuerous, lywerous, leuereus(e, lyvereus(e, etc.
searching for "tortous skin" automatically searches for all phrases whose elements appear as co-variants with tortous and skin in the MED.
tortous skin turtu skinne tortu sckin tortus scinne tortuse scin tortuce schin tortouse shine tortois x chin tortes skene tortuge skijn turtuse kyn tortuces kin cortucis skins skinse chinne etc.
search "tortoise skin" (selecting tortoise sb. and skin sb.), which = MED "tortouse skin" + variants.
SIM London, British Library, Additional 22283 (Simeon) SIMPSON Privately ownedOr search for "add" and get:
ADD London, British Library, Additional BODADD Oxford, Bodleian Library, Add. CMBADD Cambridge, University Library, Additional FIL London, British Library, Additional 37492 (<I>olim</I> Fillingham) PCY London, British Library, Additional 27879 (Percy) SIM London, British Library, Additional 22283 (Simeon) WHT London, British Library, Additional 39574 (<I>olim</I> Wheatley)Click on one of these (?or select one or more of these with a check box) to retrieve entries with that MS or a MS from that repository. In fact, perhaps you would need another interim results page listing the full ABBRs that begin with the selected term(s); you could then select from those results to go to entries. E.g., selecting "CmbAdd" above would generate this page:
CmbAdd 43 CmbAdd 2830 CmbAdd 3039 CmbAdd 3042 CmbAdd 3042:Lind. CmbAdd 3137 CmbAdd 4407 CmbAdd 5943 CmbAdd 6681 CmbAdd 6864 CmbAdd 7350Then clicking on CmbAdd 4407 would yield these entries:
Havelok the Dane In þis werd (incipit) The Proverbs of Hendyng