MED -- Quotation Searches

Boolean searching of quotations

(Proximity searching for quotations is also available).

Search for quotations that include:

( Within:
Within: )

For sets larger than 100 results, view:

Special character searching: To search for special Middle English characters, please use the upper case characters as specified below:

  • to search for thorn (Þ, þ) or eth (Ð, ð) use T (uppercase T)
  • to search for ash (Æ, æ) use A (uppercase A)
  • to search for yogh use Y (uppercase Y)
  • Other characters (long a, long o, etc.) are included in searches for all other normal lowercase occurrences of that letter (a, o).

    Proximity searching within quotations

    Search for quotations that include:

    ( (within characters) ) (within characters)

    For sets larger than 100 results, view:

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