The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse
The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse (CME) is the third part of the Compendium. Currently, the CME contains 43 publicly-available Middle English texts, including the Paston Letters, Le Morte Darthur, and the Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry.
- Encoding
- Texts are in SGML, encoded using the TEILite DTD
- Cover-to-cover conversion
- Special characters and editorial features retained
- Progress
- 43 texts online
- 17 texts encoded and reviewed
- 5 texts in markup process
- 7 texts keyboarded
- Links with Other Compendium Resources
- Currently, the HyperBibliography links to texts in the CME
- Possibility of eMED searches from CME pages
- Special Issues
- Selection to complement eMED
- Copyright issues
- Future inclusion of licensed texts
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