HyperBib Style Guide for Editions and References
(5 June 1998)

File last modified
For other MEC files, see the  MEC Index page.

General rules:

Authors and editors:


Publication info:

References (inside the <REF> tag):



  1. Books with an author:

  2. Books with an editor:

  3. With page numbers and variants:

    With multiple editors:

    Some texts may require special treatment:

    Second editions, etc.

    The pattern to follow here is title, editor, edition (date); or title, editor, edition, vol. number (date).

    With volume or part numbers, though not in a series:

    The EDITION element contains information only on the specific volume or volumes in which the quoted work appears. It may thus refer to a single volume in a multi-volume work, or to all volumes.

    If we have a list of distinct years, prefer that (1827, 1830) over a hyphenated span (1827-30), yet don’t look for additional information if all you have is the span (i.e., accept what the print bib and cards give us). Expand a reference such as "1855-7" to "1855-57."

    Some editions may require special treatment. For example,

    In a series:

    Some editions may require special treatment.

    In series with multiple volumes:

  4. Books with a transcriber or translator:

  5. For unpublished transcriptions, see ¶7 below.

  6. Books with a medieval author and a modern editor:

  7. If a medieval author’s name is incorporated into the title of an edition, accept that.

    If the title page of the edition treats the medieval author as the person responsible for the creation of the text (i.e., as an author distinct from the title), then enter this name first, in full, before the title of the work.

  8. Articles in journals or series:

  9. Treat the writers of articles as "authors," even if the content is an edition (i.e., put their names first and don’t use "ed.").

  10. Articles in books or festschriften:

  11. Photostats and transcripts:

  12. No italics are used. Comma before transcriber’s name; semi-colon before "in poss. of MED." Accept the MED manuscript reference as is, unless unclear; be sure that it matches the manuscript in the MSLIST. The REF will not likely be used. Change the MED phrasing "authorized copy in poss. of MED" to "in poss. of MED."

  13. Dissertations:

  14. No italics are used. Most dissertations will not have a REF. Change the MED phrasing "authorized copy in poss. of MED" to "in poss. of MED."

  15. Special Problems

  16. A. Removing MED titles from EDITION

    The MED frequently prefixed a title to their rendition of the source (EDITION) information. This is usually signaled by a colon. For example:

    Because HyperBib entries all have modern titles, these added titles are not necessary and need to be removed. In EDITION, we are supplying only the strict bibliographic information for the source of the MED’s text. The above examples should therefore be converted to:

    NB. If you remove one of these titles, save it for now in the NOTE element.

    B. Journal titles or Series names missing from EDITION

    The print bib, and thus the electronic file we’re working from, frequently will not repeat a journal title or a series name that is included in the stencil. So for the stencil,

    the print bib reads:

    The journal title and volume number, preceded by a comma, need to be restored to the EDITION information in the HyperBib entry. Remember in these conversions to add a space between the journal title and volume number (the stencil remains compressed). In the present case, we also recognize that we’re dealing with an article title. The final entry should read:

    C. Aggregate stencils

    The print bib will frequently pile several series volume numbers into one stencil, even though when appearing in the dictionary, only one volume number is used. For example, the print bib has a stencil,

    which is shorthand for four distinct stencils, one for each volume number. The print bib’s bibliographic information for this aggregate stencil will thus refer to all volumes:

    [Notice that this bib entry also omits the series name (Sur. Soc.), indicating the problem discussed above in ¶9B]

    The HyperBib breaks these aggregate stencils apart, making separate entries for each of the volumes cited. The last of the four new stencils in this example will read:

    The EDITION elements for these four new stencils will need to be similarly adjusted (as well as having the series name and vol. number restored). The final EDITION element for the stencil immediately above should read:

    The easiest way to break one of these aggregate stencils apart is to complete the entry as much as possible, adding any missing series titles back into the edition, and then copy & paste the entire entry as many times as you need it. Be sure, however, that you adjust the stencil as well as the bibliographic information so that each entry refers to only one volume.

    dwr 5 June 1998