Based on document by NIGELK dated 8 Dec 97; revised pfs 26 June 1998
File modified
For other MEC files, see the MEC INDEX
./bin/ /prep4/med/X/index/x*E.g., if you just created /prep4/med/K/index/k1/ and /prep4/med/K/index/k2/, run:
./bin/ /prep4/med/K/index/k1 ./bin/ /prep4/med/K/index/k2
./bin/index.volume X...where "X..." can be zero or more single upper-case letters separated by spaces. E.g., to index the J and K volumes, type:
./bin/index.volume J K
The program will give some meaningless error messages about nonexistent bundles; ignore these. Other error messages may result from invalid files: if you need to fix a file, do it locally, on your own machine, then re-FTP the fixed version. Don't attempt to edit the .sgm files on dev.
cp ../../../src/k1.tei.sgm k1.tei.sgm
./bin/index.fascicle.csh /prep4/med/X/index/x#E.g., to index k2.tei.sgm:
./bin/index.fascicle.csh /prep4/med/K/index/k2
Again, as with volume indexing, if error messages indicate a faulty file, fix it at home and ftp the revised version to dev; do not attempt to edit the file on dev.
If you meet something that you can't understand or fix, ask Nigel