File last modified
For other MEC files, see the MEC Index
Label | Meaning |
agr. | agriculture and horticulture |
alch. | alchemy, chemistry |
anat. | anatomy |
angling. | angling, fishing |
arch. | architecture |
arith. | arithmetic |
arm. | arms and armor |
astrol. | astrology |
astron. | astronomy |
Bibl. | Biblical |
bot. | botany |
Chess. | Chess |
cook. | cookery |
cost. | costume |
eccl. | ecclesiastical usage |
game. | game |
geom. | geometry |
gram. | grammar |
hawk. | hawking, falconry |
her. | heraldry |
hunt. | hunting, the chase |
lapid. | lapidary |
law. | law, legal usage |
liturg. | liturgy |
logic. | logic |
math. | mathematics |
med. | medicine |
mil. | military usage |
mus. | music |
naut. | nautical usage |
num. | numismatics |
palm. | palmistry |
pathol. | pathology |
pharm. | pharmaceutical? |
phil. | philosophy |
philos. | philosophy |
phys. | physics |
physiog. | physiognomy |
physiol. | physiology |
rhet. | rhetoric |
surg. | surgery |
theol. | theology |
veter. | veterinary science |
Label | Meaning |
absol. | absolute(ly), i.e. without object |
attrib. | attributive(ly) |
coll. | collective(ly) |
comb(s). | combination(s) |
comp. | comparative |
impers. | impersonal |
impv. | imperative |
p.ppl. | past participle |
phr. | phrase |
pl. | plural |
ppl(s). | participle(s) |
pr.ppl. | present participle |
refl. | reflexive |
sg. | singular |
sup. | superlative |
Label | Meaning |
euph. | euphemism |
fig. | figurative(ly) |
coll. | collective(ly) |
impers. | impersonal |
iron. | ironic(ally) |
misc. | miscellaneous |
person. | personification, personified |
pl. | plural |
prov. | proverbial |
refl. | reflexive |
Scot. | Scottish |
sg. | singular |
specif. | specifical(ly) |