Quality Control On Line
Mockup of Output for e-MED QC-online
File last modified
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- Render elements consistently so that the same element is always rendered the same way.
- Make background color white.
- Give the hierarchically lower elements precedence over the higher ones: a date within a
stencil is displayed as a date, not as a stencil. Obvious, I know.
- Use stand-alone display attributes on <HI> elements:
- Display <hi rend="i"> as underline (black text)
- Display <hi rend="b"> as bold (black text)
- Use bright reddish colors for small compact elements (and superscript title):
- Display <usg> as magenta (#FF33FF).
- Display <date> as red (#FF0033).
- Display <orth> as orange (#FF6600)
- Display <title> as purple (#990099)
- Use bright bluish/greenish colors for medium-sized elements:
- Display <stncl> as blue (#0000FF)
- Display <bibl> as green (#33CC00)
- Use pale grayish colors for large diffuse elements:
- Display <def> as pale blue (#66CCFF)
- Display <form> as gray (#999999)
- Display <etym> as pale green (#99CC99)
- Display <q> as pale brown (#CC9966) and precede it with a colon (:)
- Perhaps, mark placement of tags for some items (like "title") with vertical bars, inverted exclamation marks, or the like.
- Perhaps, mark whitespace characters (space, tab, ?newline) with° degree° signs (°).
- (both of these options exemplified below)
- <def>: Law.° (a)° The° confidence° placed° in° a° grantee° or° feoffee° who° holds° or° enjoys° the° use° of° property° entrusted° to° him° by° its° legal° owner;° (b)° the° condition° of° having° confidence° reposed° in° one° or° of° being° legally° entrusted;° ben° put° in° ~.
- <def>: (a)° To° be° confident;° also° refl.;° also,° take° heart,° take° courage° [quot.° c1384,° 1st];° ~° in° (of,° on,° to,° unto,° upon),° have° confidence° in° (sb.,° sth.,° oneself);° rely° on° (sb.° or° sth.)° for° guidance,° support,° discretion,° etc.;° be° assured° of° (sth.),° count° on;refl.° entrust° one's° safety° or° well-being° to° (sb.° or° sth.),° rely° on;° ~° no-thing° to° lif,° despair° of° (someone's)° life,° have° no° hope° of° (someone's)° recovery;° (b)° to° have° or° feel° confidence° in° (sb.° or° sth.),° trust,° rely° on;° believe° the° best° of° (sb.° or° sth.),° rely° on° the° good° faith,° honesty,° etc.° of° (sb.);° ppl.° trusted° as° adj.:° trustworthy,° reliable;° (c)° to° have° religious° faith,° trust° in° the° divine° being° or° providence° [quot.° c1450(c1400)Rev.Jul.Norwich];° also,° trust° (God,° Jesus,° etc.),° have° faith° in° [quots° c1450(c1400)° Sultan° Bab.,° a1500(1439),° and° perh.° c1470]
- <form>: trust° adj.° Also° truste,° trost,° trist(e,° trest(e° &° (error)° tyste.° Cp.° traist(e° adj.
- <etym>: Perh.° from° ON° (cp.° OI° traustr° &° Shet.° trusti),° but° also° cp.° ME° trust° n.
- <bibl> and <stncl> and <q>: (c1440)° Scrope° ¦Othea¦° 65/2:° Wherefore° it° is° seide° to° the° good° knyghte° that° he° scholde° truste° [Othea:° beleve]° the° crowe.
- <bibl>: a1325¦SLeg.Kenelm¦° (Corp-C)° 108
Revised pfs 23 April 1998