To create the proposed reference lists will require essentially a two-step procedure:
Stage two is not absolutely essential to the production of useful lists (though it is
to the production of complete ones); it can of course be done only when the electronic MED
is in usable form; and it can readily be performed gradually, perhaps as part of an ongoing revision process
applied to the dictionary as a whole. Stage one, on the other hand, should be performed now, while the
institutional resources at the MED project are in place.
To prepare the lists for integration into the print and electronic forms of the dictionary
will require at a minimum that the compiled information be encoded unambiguously, either in
a SGML format compatible with that used to encode the dictionary itself (thus able to
leverage existing software), or in any format that allows easy conversion.
Half a shelf of the MED library, chosen at random, yields the following raw information that could be
refined into a list of sources. The numbers alongside the data elements correspond to the
types of essential information enumerated above.
7. Bk#/Src# | 1-6
- {date}c1450(?c1425){/date}{st}St. Christina Mirab.{/st}
- Vita S. Christinae [?version]
- Vita S. Christinae mirabilis virginis : Vita auctore Thoma Cantipratano Ordinis
Praedicatorum ex codice nostro Membranaceo Ms. Camerensi in Belgio prope Bruxellas, cum
pluribus aliis collato. [?Acta Sanctorum....] 650-660.
- transl.
- L
- .
- {date}c1450(?c1425){/date}{st}St. Eliz. Spalb.{/st}
- Vita ?
- -
- transl.
- L
- L source claimed in intro to ME version, not cited in MED.
- {date}c1450(?c1425){/date}{st}St. Kath. Sienna{/st}
- Letter of Stephen of Sienna.
- Vita S. Catharinae Senensis, pars 3, cap. 6-8. Letter of Stephen of Sienna (1411).
Acta Sanctorum Boll. 30 April, (April, v. 3, pp. 961-967).
- transl.
- L
- .
- {date}c1450(?c1425){/date}{st}St. Mary Oign.{/st}
- Vita B. Mariae Oigniacensis [version?]
- Vita B. Mariae Oigniacensis, Acta sanctorum Boll., 24 June (June, v.? : pp. 549-572).
- transl.
- L
- .
- {date}a1350{/date}{st}St. Alex.(1){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius ("Common version")
- Odenkirchen; see note.
- related?
- L
- Vaguely associated with common L version in Acta SS Boll 17 July, 251-254. Available in rev. ed. by
W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, Altfranzöaut;sisches Üaut;bungsbuch, 6th ed. (Leipzig,
1921), 300-308; rpt. by Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 34-51. No instructions
to cite, except vaguely in #3X.
- {date}a1350{/date}{st}St. Alex.(1){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius (Legenda Aurea version)
- Odenkirchen or Graesse; see note.
- related?
- L
- Legenda Aurea version vaguely associated by instructions in #3X. No specific instructions to cite (or
prohibitions against citing).
Text available in Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 143-156 and Graesse,
[fill in full citation], 403-406.
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}St. Alex.(2){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius ("common version">
- Odenkirchen; see note.
- related?
- L
- Vaguely associated with common L version in Acta SS Boll 17 July, 251-254. Available in rev. ed. by
W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, Altfranzöaut;sisches Üaut;bungsbuch, 6th ed. (Leipzig,
1921), 300-308; rpt. by Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 34-51. No instructions
to cite, except vaguely in #3X.
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}St. Alex.(2){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius (Legenda Aurea version)
- Odenkirchen or Graesse; see note.
- related?
- L
- Legenda Aurea version vaguely associated by instructions in #3X. No specific instructions to cite (or
prohibitions against citing).
Text available in Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 143-156 and Graesse,
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}St. Alex.(3){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius [version?]
- Odenkirchen; see note.
- related?
- L
- L said by Furnivall to be closest is in Acta SS Boll 17 July, 251-254. Available in rev. ed. by
W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, Altfranzöaut;sisches Üaut;bungsbuch, 6th ed. (Leipzig,
1921), 300-308; rpt. by Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 34-51. No instructions
to cite, except vaguely in #3X.
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}St. Alex.(3){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius (Legenda Aurea version)
- Odenkirchen or Graesse; see note.
- related?
- L
- Legenda Aurea version vaguely associated by instructions in #3X. No specific instructions to cite (or
prohibitions against citing).
Text available in Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 143-156 and Graesse,
- {date}a1500{/date}{st}St. Alex.(5){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius [version?]
- Odenkirchen; see note.
- related?
- L
- Vaguely associated with common L version in Acta SS Boll 17 July, 251-254. Available in rev. ed. by
W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, Altfranzöaut;sisches Üaut;bungsbuch, 6th ed. (Leipzig,
1921), 300-308; rpt. by Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 34-51. No instructions
to cite, except vaguely in #3X.
- {date}a1500{/date}{st}St. Alex.(5){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius (Legenda Aurea version)
- Odenkirchen or Graesse; see note.
- related?
- L
- Legenda Aurea version vaguely associated by instructions in #3X. No specific instructions to cite (or
prohibitions against citing).
Text available in Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9. Pp. 143-156 and Graesse,
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}Seint Ieremie telleþ{/st}
- -
- -
- -
- L?/F?
- A version of the Fifteen Signs. No L cited. Await further info on relationships
among L, F, and ME versions.
- {date}{/date}{st}St. Alex.(4){/st}
- Vita S. Alexius (version?)
- Odenkirchen, Carl J. The Life of St. Alexius : in the Old French Version of the Hildesheim
Manuscript : the original text reviewed, with comparative Greek and Latin versions, all
accompanied by English translations.... Brookline, Mass. : Classical Folia Editions; dist. by
Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1978. Medieval Classics: Texts and Studies, 9.
- related
- L
- L said to be reasonably close. Less close to other ME versions, but citable?
F said to be too remote to cite for any ME version
- {date}c1400{/date}{st}Aelred Inst.(1){/st}
- Aelred of Rievaulx, De institutione inclusarum.
- C.H. Talbot, ed., "The 'De Institutis Inclusarum" of Aelred of Rievaulx," Analecta Sacri Ordinis
Cisterciensis 7 (1951): 167-217 [text 177-217].
- transl.
- L
- Talbot's edition also available as rpt. in Talbot's comprehensive edition, Aelredi Rievallensis Opera Omnia, CCCM 1 (Turnholt: Brepols, 1971), 636-682.
May have been cited also from the notes to Marsha Lyn Dutton Stuckey, An Edition of
Two Middle English Translations of Aelred's 'De Institutione Inclusarum' (diss. Ph.D. Mich. 1981);
or from the notes to John Ayto and Alexandra Barrat, ed., Aelred of Rievaulx's 'De Institutione Inclusarum,'
EETS os 287, London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1984.
- {date}c1450{/date}{st}Aelred Inst.(2){/st}
- Aelred of Rievaulx, De institutione inclusarum.
- C.H. Talbot, ed., "The 'De Institutis Inclusarum" of Aelred of Rievaulx," Analecta Sacri Ordinis
Cisterciensis 7 (1951): 167-217 [text 177-217].
- adaptat.
- L
- Talbot's edition also available as rpt. in Talbot's
comprehensive edition, Aelredi Rievallensis Opera Omnia, CCCM 1 (Turnholt: Brepols, 1971), 636-682.
May have been cited also from the notes to Marsha Lyn Dutton Stuckey, An Edition of
Two Middle English Translations of Aelred's 'De Institutione Inclusarum' (diss. Ph.D. Mich. 1981);
or from the notes to John Ayto and Alexandra Barrat, ed., Aelred of Rievaulx's 'De Institutione Inclusarum,'
EETS os 287, London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1984.
Based on the difficulties encountered in treating this small sample--missing bibliographic information, vague
descriptions of relationship and instructions regarding citation, etc.--a full list of MED sources should take approximately
400 hours to compile. I have not yet attempted to estimate how long dictionary cross-reference lists
would take to compile.