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<!-- Feb. 9 revision of TEI extraction for MED --> <!-- with revisions as noted in comments --> <!ELEMENT text - - (body) +(lb|hi)> <!ELEMENT body - - (entryfree)+ > <!ELEMENT entryfree - - (form | etym | sense | sensegrp | usg | note | #PCDATA)* > <!ATTLIST entryfree id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- dwr added usg to content model to handle syntactic usage information living between the etym and first sense and applying to entire entry, 1997-07-21 --> <!-- pfs added note to content model to handle "Cp...." notes after form sections. --> <!ELEMENT form - - ( orth | #pcdata | pos)*> <!ELEMENT orth - - (#pcdata) > <!ATTLIST orth id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT pos - - (#pcdata) > <!ELEMENT sensegrp - - (def,sense+) > <!ATTLIST sensegrp n CDATA #IMPLIED id ID #IMPLIED> <!-- sensegrp added to cover roman-numeral sense groups in E and F vols., pfs 15 Oct 98 --> <!ELEMENT sense - - ((def)+,(eg)+) > <!-- nigelk and dwr changed eg+ to eg*, 1997-07-18, for things like suffices (suf) --> <!-- changed back temporarily to catch affix entries, dwr 1997-07-24 --> <!ATTLIST sense n CDATA #IMPLIED id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT def - - ((#pcdata | date | hi | title | bibl | note | usg | def | p)*) > <!ATTLIST def n CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- p added to def content model by nigelk, 1997-07-23, to preserve information in defs --> <!ELEMENT p - - ((#pcdata | date | hi | title | bibl | note | usg | p)*) > <!ATTLIST p n CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- added p to the dtd, for them durn affixes, nigelk 1997-07-24 --> <!ELEMENT eg - - (cit)+ +(etym|form|usg)> <!ATTLIST eg n CDATA #IMPLIED id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT cit - - (bibl,q) > <!ATTLIST cit n CDATA #IMPLIED id ID #IMPLIED type (n|b) n> <!-- type added to attributes of cit by pfs 27May98 to handle bracketed quots. --> <!ELEMENT bibl - - (#pcdata | STNCL)* > <!ATTLIST bibl id ID #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT q - - (#pcdata | TITLE)* > <!ATTLIST q n CDATA #IMPLIED id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- nigelk and dwr added TITLE to content model of q, to handle references for variant readings 1997-07-21 --> <!ELEMENT STNCL - - (#PCDATA | date | hi | title | author | ms)* > <!-- ms element added by pfs to allow tagging of ms abbreviations during --> <!-- stencil merger, May 98. May be changed to abbr, as in hyperbib. --> <!-- qc.dtd needs to match. --> <!ATTLIST STNCL id ID #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT ms - - (#pcdata) > <!ELEMENT author - - (#pcdata) > <!ATTLIST author id ID #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT date - - (#pcdata) > <!ELEMENT title - - (#pcdata) > <!ELEMENT usg - - (#pcdata) > <!ATTLIST usg TYPE (general|field|def|syntax) #IMPLIED REND (norm|ital) ital > <!-- REND attribute experimentally added 3Apr98/pfs in order to handle the --> <!-- non-italic usg labels being employed by current MED production. --> <!-- "general" removed as default usg type in favor of #implied, 29July98/pfs, because MED is using TYPE="general" very specifically --> <!ELEMENT etym - - (#pcdata | lang)* > <!ELEMENT hi - - (#pcdata) > <!ATTLIST hi rend CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT lang - - (#pcdata) > <!ELEMENT lb - O EMPTY > <!ELEMENT note - - (#pcdata) > <!-- The following entities file contains all the necessary MED character entities --> <!ENTITY % MEDsel1 PUBLIC "MEC 1998-1//ENTITIES MED 1//EN"> %MEDsel1;