Identifying Significant Legislation
"In a hundred pound of law there's not a halfpenny weight of love."
Cotgrave French-English Dictionary (1611)

Choice of Tools
To identify relevant legislation in the 104th Congress often requires a combination
of different tools; the choice of which to use first usually depends on one's
precise objective and the material already in hand. If, for example, you wish
to identify a specific piece of legislation and already know...
- Its sponsor
- Its committee of referral
- Its number
- Its date of introduction
- Its subject matter. This is among the most frustrating
ways to search, since so many bills are entered, so few have a chance of
and there is much chaff to wade through to get the good grain.
- Try searching the hints for searching Thomas by index term, as well as the
Introduction and
Text of the Library of Congress Indexing Vocabulary (LIV).
- Try the Thomas
full text search
by keyword. The same warning applies even more to full-text searching
as to summary searching, of course.
Or read the
hints on searching Thomas by keyword.
- If it is a House bill, try the House's gopher
House's full-text search of legislation.
Or read a guide
to searching bill-text.
Or read a general guide to searching
the House legislative database.
- If it is a House bill or resolution, use the great
interface to the House WAIS server and the House legislative
database, and search by key phrase.
Or read a brief description of Will.T.Bill.
- Search
GPO Access in the "Bills" or "History of Bills" databases.
Or read a brief description of
GPO Access.
Or read a brief description of the
legislative databases at GPO Access.
Or read an extended description of GPO Access.
- Some words in its official title
- Some distinctive words in its text
- That it has seen floor action
- Try the Thomas
full text search
by keyword, and limit the search to bills that have seen floor action, by
checking the appropriate box.
- Use any of the methods described below for bills in the news or hot bills--
since these categories are often equivalent to "accorded floor action."
- That it was enrolled and sent to the President or
enjoys some other status.
- Try the Thomas
full text search
by keyword and limit the search to enrolled bills by checking the appropriate
- If it is a House bill, try the House's gopher
full-text search of legislation and search for "enrolled" in
the version field.
Or read a
to searching bill-text.
Or read a general guide to searching
the House legislative database.
- If it is a House bill or resolution, use the great
interface to the House WAIS server and the House legislative
database, and limit your search by version (any, engrossed,
enrolled, reported, introduced) or type (HR, HRes, HConRes, Hjnt Res,
S, Sres SConRex, SJntRes, any).
Or read a brief description of Will.T.Bill.
- That it was vetoed
- That it became law
- Its house and type
- Try the
Legi-Slate gopher
Or read a brief description of LegiSlate.
Or read a fuller description of LegiSlate.
- Try the Thomas
browsable list of bills by type.
Or read a brief description of Thomas.
Or read a fuller description of Thomas.
- Try the Thomas
full text search
by keyword and limit the search to bills of one house or the other by
checking the appropriate box.
- If it is a House bill, try the
House's full-text search of legislation.
Or read a guide
to searching bill-text.
Or read a general guide to searching
the House legislative database.
- If it is a House bill or resolution, use the great
interface to the House WAIS server and the House legislative
database, and limit your search by version (any, engrossed,
enrolled, reported, introduced) or type (HR, HRes, HConRes, Hjnt Res,
S, Sres SConRex, SJntRes, any).
Or read a brief description of Will.T.Bill.
- That it is an amendment to another bill
- If it is an amendment to a House bill, use the
House's full-text amendment search by bill number or any words contained
in the amendment.
(The House guide to amendment searching is "under construction.")
- Use any of the various searches at Thomas
to find the relevant amended bill and follow the links received as results to lists
of amendments, then on to their text and history.
Or see an example
- That it is in the news or on the floor and
- Has a popular name
- Deals with a particular subject
- Has a particular number
- Was debated or introduced this week
- Is of a particular type
- Was enacted into law