Hyperbib Steps
(8 June 1998)

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Level 2 Steps

Step 1

Preparing a segment of entries for work

Step 2

Editing the merged file ("weeding") – on paper

Step 3

Editing the merged file ("weeding") – in A/E


Moving the file to the full Hyperbib dtd

HB Level Steps

Step 1 – Initial Validation

Step 2 – First Pass

Step 3 – Initial Styling of Editions

Following the HyperBib Style Guide for Editions and References, concentrate on these two elements, the EDITION and REF, cleaning them up as much as possible without turning to the books themselves. If in doubt about something, leave it alone for now and make a note of the problem in the entry’s NOTE element.

Things to look out for and to try to accomplish at this level:

Within an entry, the same edition must be styled exactly the same, for matching and sorting reasons. When an edition occurs several times in a single entry, it’s usually safest to get one in perfect shape and then paste it in where needed. The same procedure is probably the best way to handle "op.cit."s as well. Just be careful here that you don’t lose page references (where the REF has not been separated out). This in fact is a good argument for not replacing any "op.cit."s earlier in processing, waiting until you are quite sure of the edition’s styling.

When finished with this step, append and initial a note to the COMMENT stating that Step 3 is complete. Save as ##.HB.3.ae

Step 4 – Variants and Aggregate Stencils

Build a VARGROUP if necessary. Read about VARGROUP and when we use it in the document Hyperbib Tags. The usual indication of a need for a VARGROUP is a string of dates and ms abbreviations in the entry’s NOTE, usually preceded by "Vrr." or "Also."

A number of stencils in the print bib (often of documents) are in the style:

Mem.Ripon in Sur.Soc.74;78;81;115
Doc. in Archaeol.14;15;16

In the dictionary, only one final volume number will be used in any particular stencil. So we need to "unpack" these compressed references and create separate entries for each. Thus in the first example above, we should end up with four individual entries, each having one of the following stencils:

Mem.Ripon in Sur.Soc.74
Mem.Ripon in Sur.Soc.78
Mem.Ripon in Sur.Soc.81
Mem.Ripon in Sur.Soc.115

It will probably be easiest to get the main entry filled in as much as possible and styled correctly, and then make as many copies as needed of it. Then go through each one, altering the stencil so that it refers to just one bibliographic item. See section 9C of the Style Guide for more explication of these aggregate stencils.

When finished with this step, append and initial a note to the COMMENT stating that Step 4 is complete. Save as ##.HB.4.ae

Step 5 – First MED Visit

Step 6 – MS Information

In entering manuscript information, remember that the Hyperbib is converting roman numeral shelf marks to Arabic numerals (yet beware of a few instances where letters are not roman numerals: Durham, University Library Cosin V.3.24, and Glasgow, University Library, Hunterian 409 (V.3.7). Look at portions of the Hyperbib already done to get a sense of the information and to help resolve problems. You should find the "browse manuscripts" list at the Hyperbib web site useful.

You should also get a good sense of the three elements CITE (within MSLIST), MSGROUP, and ABBR, and the relationship between them. See the HyperBib Tags document about this.

Working from the print out, and using the A/E file from Step 3:

When finished with this step, append and initial a note to the COMMENT stating that Steps 5 and 6 are complete. Save as ##.HB.6.ae

Step 7 – Indexes and Titles

Step 8 – Final MED Visit

dwr 8 June 1998